About Me
I am a PhD candidate at University of California, San Diego. My interests broadly lie in computer vision, machine learning and robotics. I am particularly passionate about understanding the intrinsic complexity of the underlying information acquisition and utilization problems in these domains. Towards this goal, I propose novel algorithms and analyze their behaviors on real-world datasets as well as theoretical models. I worked on improving detection and automated multi-task network design. In both cases my vantage point was to structure the parameters and computations of the model in an adaptive manner, so as to make the resultant solution is more efficient and effective. My adviser is Professor Tara Javidi.
I received my Bachelor's degree in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I was fortunate enough to call the gorgeous sea-side campus home, and to proudly be an alumnus of the very cool HKUST robotics team. In my junior year, I spent a semester as an exchange student at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
I have interned with IBM TJ Watson Research Center in 2016, with Telsa in 2017 and with Snapchat in 2018, respectively. I served as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, ACM MM 2017, PSIVT 2017, CVPR 2018, 2019, IROS 2018, ACCV 2018 and ICCV 2019.
To learn more about my work, please checkout my publications and my CV. Released source codes for my projects are hosted on Github.