Songtao Lu (卢松涛)

Senior Research Scientist

Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Department

Thomas J. Watson Research Center & MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab 

IBM Research

Yorktown Heights, New York 10598, USA

My personal website is now located here. 

I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University in August 2018 under the supervision of Professor Mingyi Hong (now at UMN) and Professor Zhengdao Wang (now at GMU).  I was a postdoc associate hosted by Prof. Hong with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities from Sept. 2018 to Sept. 2019, then I was an AI resident with the Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Department at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center from Sept. 2019 to Aug. 2020.

Currently, I am a Senior Research Scientist at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center,  an IBM Principal Investigator at the  MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, and an IBM PI of the RPI-IBM AI Research Collaboration program. Also, I serve as senior personnel at the NSF AI Institute for Future Edge Networks and Distributed Intelligence (AI-EDGE).

My research interests lie in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, optimization, and signal processing.
