Dr. Kai Li

Dr. Kai Li is a senior research scientist with Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems Research Centre (CISTER), which is one of national research units funded by The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of Portugal. He is the CMU-Portugal Research Fellow, jointly supported by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and FCT. He is also the head of the Intelligent NetworKed Systems (INKS) Laboratory at CISTER. He was a visiting scholar with the CyLab Security and Privacy Institute in CMU, Pennsylvania, as well as a visiting research scientist with the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

His research interests include machine learning, wireless security, and resource allocation in mobile edge computing, Internet of Things (IoT), UAV networks, and vehicular cyber–physical systems

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PhD Dissertation: Reliable Communications and Energy Efficient Relay in Aerial Wireless Sensor Networks

Master Dissertation: A Secure RFID System Design Based on Electronic Product Code Tags


I am looking for highly self-motivated PhD students. If you are interested in working with me, feel free to send me your CV. Please refer to http://www.cister.isep.ipp.pt/phd/ for graduate admission information. 



Project Title: ADANET: Autonomous Drones Assisted Internet of Things Networks

Hosting Institution: CISTER Research Centre

Sponsor: Scientific Research and Technological Development (SR&TD), FCT Portugal.

Project Title: CRUAV: Cooperative Trajectory Planning for Real-Time Surveillance in UAV-assisted Intelligent Transportation Systems

Hosting Institution: CISTER Research Centre

Sponsor: Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal), Carnegie Mellon University, United States, and FCT Portugal.

Project Title: ARNET: Airborne Relaying Networks for Reliable and Secure Mobile Communications

Hosting Institution: CISTER Research Centre

Sponsor: Scientific Research and Technological Development (SR&TD), FCT Portugal.

Involved Projects (as team member)

Project Title: IBEX - Quantitative methods for cyber-physical programming: reasoning precisely about imprecisions in cyber-physical behaviour

Hosting Institution: CISTER Research Centre

Sponsor: Scientific Research and Technological Development (SR&TD) Project Grants, FCT Portugal.

Project Title: ADACORSA - Airborne data collection on resilient system architectures

Hosting Institution: CISTER Research Centre

Sponsor: FCT, ECSEL, Horizon 2020 European Union

Project Title: SafeCOP - Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication

Hosting Institution: CISTER Research Centre

Sponsor: FCT, ARTEMIS, Horizon 2020 European Union

Project Title: DEWI - Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure

Hosting Institution: CISTER Research Centre

Sponsor: FCT, Horizon 2020 European Union

Hosting Institution: Singapore University of Technology and Design

Sponsor: Seed Project under Temasek Laboratories

Hosting Institution: Singapore University of Technology and Design

Sponsor: Singapore – China Joint Research Programme

Hosting Institution: Singapore University of Technology and Design

Sponsor: The Ministry of National Development Research Fund, Singapore

Project Title: Flying Networks: Airborne Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Response

Hosting Institution: The University of New South Wales

Sponsor: Discovery Projects Funding of the Australian Research Council

Hosting Institution: CSIRO

Sponsor: CSIRO

Project Title: An Extensive Distributed Measurement Platform for Analyzing Quality-of-Experience (QoE) of Multimedia Applications over Wireless Networks

Hosting Institution: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sponsor: The Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) of the Hong Kong SAR Government

Hosting Institution: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sponsor: Office of the Telecommunications Authority (OFTA) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Project Title: RFID Benchmarking Methodology, Report and Tool Support

Hosting Institution: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Sponsor: The Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) of the Hong Kong SAR Government

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