Lucciano Villacorta
I am a senior economist at the research department of the Central Bank of Chile.
My research interests are in Econometrics and Macroeconomics.
You can find my CV here.
Working Papers
(Unobserved) Heterogeneity in the Bank Lending Channel: Accounting for Bank-Firm Interactions and Specialization, with Bryan Guitierrez and Alonso Villacorta
Productivity, Investment, and Wealth Dynamics under Financial Frictions, with Alvaro Aguirre and Matias Tapia.
STEG Working Paper Series #054
Revision requested at Quantitative Economics.
Robust Standard Errors to Spatial and Time Dependence When Neither N nor T is Very Large
Revision requested at Journal of Applied Econometrics.
Estimating Unobserved Country Heterogeneity in Capital-Labor Substitution
Published and Accepted papers
Investment Demand and Structural Change, with Manuel Garcia-Santana and Josep Pijoan-Mas.
Econometrica, 2021, 89(6), 2751-2785
Working paper ( March 2021, first version Dec 2016), published online appendix
Inference for Dependent Data with Learned Clusters, with Jainfei Cao, Chris Hansen, and Damian Kozbur.
Forthcoming at Review of Economics and Statistics.
Too Hard, Too Easy, or Just Right: Positive and Negative Complementarity in the Production of Skill, with Juan Francisco Castro.
World Bank Economic Review 00(0), 2024, 1-16
Work in Progress
Structural Change Accounting, with Manuel Garcia-Santana and Josep Pijoan-Mas
Investment and Saving along the Development Path, with Manuel Garcia-Santana and Josep Pijoan-Mas
Estimating the Autocorrelation Function of Spatial Models, with Jainfei Cao, Chris Hansen, and Damian Kozbur.
Firm Size and Business Cycle Sensitivity: The Role of Productivity and Financial Frictions, with Gabriela Contreras