Habilitation (Motto Ros)

This page contains the documents for my Habilitation at the Mathematisches Institut of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

The following .pdf files constitute my schriftliche Habilitationsleistung.

Introduction (pdf)

P1 - Wadge-like reducibilities on arbitrary quasi-Polish spaces (pdf)

P2 - Bad Wadge-like reducibilities on the Baire space (pdf)

P3 - Lipschitz and uniformly continuous reducibilities on ultrametric Polish spaces (pdf)

P4 - Some observations on 'A new proof of a theorem of Jayne and Rogers', (pdf)

P5 - On the structure of finite level and omega-decomposable Borel functions (pdf)

P6 - Analytic equivalence relations and bi-embeddability (pdf)

P7 - On the complexity of the relations of isomorphism and bi-embeddability (pdf)

P8 - Invariantly universal analytic quasi-orders (pdf)

P9 - Souslin quasi-orders and definable cardinality (pdf)

P10 - The descriptive set-theoretical complexity of the embeddability relation on models of large size (pdf)

Here are some other documents.

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)

Ph.D. degree (pdf)

List of publications (pdf)

Teaching experience (pdf)

Erklärung (pdf)