Old news

My former PhD student Filippo Cavallari got the Paul Bernays award 2018, awarded every year by the Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SSLPS) to a young researcher for an outstanding contribution in the area of logic and philosophy of science.

My former master student Francesco Mangraviti got the Thesis 3+2 prize 2018, awarded every year by the Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni (AILA) for the best bachelor and master theses on mathematical logic and applications.

I got the Paolo Gentilini prize 2016-17, awarded every year by the Associazione Italiana di Logica e sue Applicazioni (AILA) to "a young man/woman who distinguished himself/herself for his/her research activity in Mathematical Logic".

My Rita Levi Montalcini project "New advances in Descriptive Set Theory" has been approved by the Miur with a total funding of € 189.373.