CVPR 2014 Tutorial on Large-Scale Visual Recognition

Saturday, June 28th - Full day - Grand Ballroom 2


Ondrej Chum

Czech Technical University

Zaid Harchaoui


Primary organizer

and contact

Herve Jegou



Florent Perronnin

Xerox Research


Marc'Aurelio Ranzato

Facebook AI Research

Andrea Vedaldi

Oxford University

Tutorial goals

This tutorial addresses Large-Scale Visual Recognition (LSVR), the problem of understanding visual content (e.g. photos or videos) on a large-scale. This is a topic which has received much attention in the computer vision community in the last few years: as larger datasets have become available [TFF08, DDS09], handling millions of images and thousands of label classes has become the norm rather than the exception [DBL10, WBU10, LRM12, DCM12, JPD12]. Since LSVR is a vast topic, we will mainly focus on two tasks: image retrieval and image classification.

The goals of this tutorial are three-fold:

  • Provide the audience with the "tools" to process such large datasets.
  • Show the convergence between large-scale retrieval and large-scale classification, two problems which have been traditionally addressed separately.
  • Show that LSVR does not necessarily require massive computational resources (although such resources can help, of course...)

The tutorial is complemented with free publicly available software:


The tutorial will consist of short talks (1h or less) each one covering a specific topic, and each one given by a recognized expert in his field.



Here is a list of references.

Sponsors and financial support

The tutorial is supported by the MSR-INRIA Joint Centre, the "Gargantua" project (CNRS-Mastodons), the "Khronos" project (Labex Persyval-Lab, ANR-11-LABX-0025), and the Fire-ID project (ANR-12-CORD-016).