About Me

Lisa S. McAllister, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Scholar: Department of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University - Link

Lecturer: Department of Anthropology, University of California Santa Barbara

Contact Information: lisamcallister@ucsb.edu

Research Interests

  • Relationships among socioecological factors and human production, reproduction and health
  • Allocation of resources to the competing demands of growth, reproduction, and somatic maintenance, and how disruption of this affects women's and their children’s long-term health and well-being.
  • Local causes of international migration, and how international migration affects: (1) household security, vulnerability and resilience; (2) household dynamics, including the division of labor and power; (3) family planning and health; and (4) childhood development and growth.

Trained In

  • Human behavioral ecology, biodemography, life history theory, human-environmental interactions, biomedical anthropology, biocultural anthropology, evolutionary theory as it applied to human behavior and physiology.
  • Quantitative and qualitative research methods and analysis, and mixed-methods research and analysis
  • SPSS, R and SAS