Leaders &  Coordinators

Resources for planning hikes and submitting hike descriptions; guidelines and checklists for hike leaders and monthly coordinators.

Click to access resources and new hike ideas, or to help you gather information about your planned hike. For example, there are links here to websites listing locations that require a parking pass - and which type, as well as Forest Service, Ranger Station and County Sheriff listings.

For most of the trailheads we have used, this spreadsheet provides the total drive mileage, list of hikes accessed from this trailhead, suggested 2nd meeting place and route map.

Online form for leaders to submit information about a future Hike, Easy Hike, or Ramble.
Note: This link will ONLY work during a planning period.

Help for leaders in completing the Hike Submission Form (above). Provides instructions on how to fill in each question on the online form.

Need someone to help you scout your hike or share the responsibilities of leading the hike? Consult this table of people who have volunteered to scout or co-lead hikes, easy hikes, and rambles. The table also shows people who have volunteered to be monthly coordinators, last-minute replacements, or mentors for new leaders.

Pointers on what to look for as you scout, and what to include on your scout report - which is due the Wednesday before the week of your hike." 

If you need to make changes to a hike (such as due to wildfires, smoke, excessive heat, ice, or a leader illness), consult this page for possibilities. PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL UNLESS THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION.

Detailed instructions for planning and leading a Hike or Ramble, including what to do in case of an emergency. A must-read for leaders. (rev. 12/2023)

A handy one-page summary checklist of what a leader needs to do before, during and after the Hike or Ramble. There are several of these kept in the Leader Briefcase. (rev. 2022)

Instructions for Coordinators to use in working with the Leaders they are responsible for overseeing. (rev. 12/2023)

Current lists of monthly coordinators are located on the "Who's Who" page.   

This is the complete booklet provided by Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Department, as presented at the March 2022 Leader Forum, which includes many of the above documents as well as some other useful forms. This format allows easy scrolling between documents, printing and downloading. (rev. 12/2023)

Table of Contents for 2022 Hike Leader Guide