The Lincoln Middle School Music Program, led by Mrs. Cable, is an award-winning program. Students in LMS's music program develop their love of music while gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to grow as young musicians.

LMS Music Boosters is a parent-run group with a mission to provide support for the Music Program at Lincoln Middle School. Our ongoing support is possible because many people help in a variety of ways.

Make Payments and Donations Here!

Paypal payment page will instantly pop-up when you click the button above.

If you need a specific student to get credit, click on "+Add special instructions to seller"

Use Paypal to pay student fee, field trip costs/donations, fundraiser contributions, or general donations to the program.

Amazon Smiles

We are part of AmazonSmiles, which means that .05% of the price of your Amazon purchases will benefit our music department. You can buy the same products you normally buy, and now music boosters will get some of the proceeds.

Here's the link to LMS Music Boosters Amazon: