"When it came to real-world complexities, the elegant equations and the fancy mathematics he’d spent so much time on in school were no more than tools – and limited tools at that" -- The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos (by M. Mitchell Waldrop)

"I knew that if I failed I wouldn't regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried"  --  Jeff Bezos' version of "regret minimization"

"一把青秧插野田, 低头便见水中天, 六根清净方为道, 退步原来是向前"

(*Ph.D and Graduate Research Assistant positions are available)

Professional Experiences: 

Domain-Aware Statistical Learning

--- The Integration of Scientific and Engineering Knowledge into Data-Driven Solutions

1️⃣ Statistical Learning for Physical/Engineering Processes:

2️⃣ Resilience & Environment 

3️⃣ Data Science & Applied Statistics