Dr Wei Liu (BSc, LLB, MPhil, PhD, CiLT, SMIEEE)

He received his BSc in Space Physics (minor in Electronics) in 1996 and LLB in Intellectual Property Law in1997 from Peking University, China, MPhil from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong, in 2001, PhD in 2003 from the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, U.K. He then worked as a postdoc first in Southampton and later in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London. From September 2005 to August 2023, he worked at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield first as a Lecturer, and then a Senior Lecturer. In September 2023, he joined the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London as a Reader and since August 2024, he has been a Professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  From 2024 to 2027, he holds the position of Visiting Professor at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London.

He also briefly worked as a trainee lawyer and then a lawyer in Shenzhen, China after receiving his law degree and passed the national lawyer qualification test in 1997.

His research interests cover a wide range of topics in signal processing, with a focus on sensor (antenna, hydrophone, microphone, seismometer, etc.) array signal processing (beamforming and source separation/extraction, direction of arrival estimation, target tracking and localisation, etc.), and its various applications, such as robotics and autonomous vehicles, remote sensing, human computer interface, radar, sonar, and wireless communications.

He received one journal “Best Paper Award” (“Approximate Gaussian Conjugacy: Parametric Recursive Filtering Under Nonlinearity, Multimodal, Uncertainty, and Constraint, and Beyond”, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, vol. 18, issue 12, December 2017), three conference “Best Paper" awards ("Sparse Planar Antenna Array Design for Directional Modulation", Proc. the 2019 8th International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems (CSPS), “Improving SSVEP-BCI Performance Using Pre-Trial Normalization Methods” from the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, and “Reduced Complexity MIMO Receiver with Real-Valued Beamforming” from the 2015 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology), and one conference “Excellent Paper" award (“Robust DOA Estimation for a MIMO Array Using Two Calibrated Transmit Sensors” from the 2013 IET International Radar Conference).

He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2023-2026, Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society).

A brief summary of his academic activities:

You can click the following links for his profiles at ORCID, Google Scholar, Researcher ID, Scopus, and Research Gate.