Structure & Content

Pandemic Sessions

We have been online since March 18, 2020. We will stay online until COVID-19 is less of a threat to our community.


Each day is divided into sessions:

Mondays 10:00AM-11:30AM

Tuesdays 8:30AM-12:00PM 1:00PM-2:00PM 5:00PM-7:30PM

Wednesdays 8:30AM-12:00PM 1:00PM-2:30PM

Thursdays 8:30AM-12:00PM 1:00PM-2:00PM 5:00PM-7:30PM*

Fridays 8:30AM-12:00PM 12:30PM-2:00PM**

Each session follows a specific structure.

To get the most benefit, learners are invited to attend whole sessions. For learners whose schedules do not fit these time frames, they are asked to come in at whatever time works best for them. [Note: Learners whose goals don't fit into the structure described below may be able to attend during the same hours but work separately with a volunteer to meet their goals and needs.]

Delivery Format

Each session engages learners in a range of instructional formats, including individual, one-on-one, pairs, small group, and whole group. These formats may or may not include a tutor. Sometimes, the group may be run by learners. The combination of instructional formats in any given session depends on which formats contribute the most to learning.




Salt Lake City Library sponsors New Readers' Book Group. Currently, this group meets online with Librarian Stephanie Goodliffe. As of July 2021, this group is reading Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. The group reads, discusses, and summarizes the book together. This group is open to the public.



This session is divided into three segments. The first segment (8:30-9:30AM) focuses on phonics, root words, and affixes. Learners explore letter sounds as well as how to read and spell a range of of words. The second segment (9:30-11:00AM) is reserved for an instructional unit selected by the learners - that combines reading, writing, and possibly some math. Currently, the unit is about journaling. The group will explore and compare three different types of journaling. The third segment (11:00AM-12:00PM) centers around individual or one-on-one work, based on each learner's needs and goals.


This short session centers only around individual or one-on-one work, based on each learner's needs and goals.


This session is divided into two segments. The first segment (5:00-6:00PM) focuses on reading. Currently, we are applying specific reading strategies as we read Emily Neville's It's like this, Cat. The second segment is reserved for an instructional unit selected by the learners - that combines reading, writing, and possibly some math. Currently, the unit is about how Greek and Roman mythology impacts our daily lives.



This session is divided into three segments. The first segment (8:30-9:30AM) focuses on fluency (reading smoothly and accurately by building sight vocabulary and appropriate pausing and punctuation). The second segment (9:30-11:00AM) is about fractions. Learners are grouped by math skills. Focus is on solving real-life math problems as learners explore and build strategic behaviors and process knowledge. The third segment (11:00AM-12:00PM) centers around individual or one-on-one work, based on each learner's needs and goals.


This session is devoted to reading a book selected by the group. As of September 2021, this group is reading J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.



This session is divided into three segments. The first segment (8:30-9:30AM) combines a Reader's Sprint with answering questions about the reading. The second segment (9:30-11:00AM) is reserved for an instructional unit selected by the learners - that combines reading, writing, and possibly some math. Currently, the unit is about maps and mapping. The group will explore and compare different types of maps. The third segment (11:00AM-12:00PM) centers around individual or one-on-one work, based on each learner's needs and goals.


This short session centers only around individual or one-on-one work, based on each learner's needs and goals.


1st & 3rd Thursdays are devoted to writing - drafting, revising, and editing stories or poetry for publication. This group is sponsored by SLCC Community Writing Center. Group members prepare two publishable writings annually. Besides reading these stories at public readings, members also get their pieces published in the sine cera through the SLCC Community Writing Center. This group is open to the public.

2nd, 4th, & 5th Thursdays are focused on solving real-life math problems as learners explore and build strategic behaviors and process knowledge.



This session is divided into two segments. The first segment (8:30-10:00AM) centers around individual or one-on-one work, based on each learner's needs and goals. The second segment (10:00AM-12:00PM) focuses on creating, recording, and editing of our podcast Adult Literacy Matters.

12:30PM-2:00PM (open only on 1st & 3rd Fridays)

1st & 3rd Fridays are devoted to writing - drafting, revising, and editing stories or poetry for publication. This group is sponsored by SLCC Community Writing Center. Group members prepare two publishable writings annually. Besides reading these stories at public readings, members also get their pieces published in the sine cera through the SLCC Community Writing Center. This group is open to the public.


Non-pandemic Sessions


Each day is divided into sessions:




Each session follows a specific structure.

To get the most benefit, learners are invited to attend whole sessions. For learners whose schedules do not fit these time frames, they are asked to come in at whatever time works best for them. [Note: Learners whose goals don't fit into the structure described below may attend during the same hours but work separately with a volunteer to meet their goals and needs.]

Delivery Format

Each session begins with us working together. We begin with what we call Board work (which is done initially as individuals with help as needed, then shared with the whole group). Then we work on a specific topic in what we call Group work. Finally, each session ends with Individual work.

Board work = Work we do on the white board - one sentence, two or more math problems, plus one other item.

Learners spend time 15 minutes working individually or with help from others to correct and complete the posted work. All learners do the grammar sentence and the math problem at their level. Then, as a group, we work through the correction of the sentence, looking for grammar, capitals, and punctuation and, more specifically stating the rules for these changes. We spend time exploring the content of the grammar sentences, sometimes discussing history, reading poems, or exploring stories. Next, we work through the math problems - sometimes writing processing steps or rules for completing the math problems. Lastly, we do the additional item.

Group work = Work we do together - regardless of reading levels. Our classroom volunteers help lower-level readers tackle these harder activities. Instruction in phonics, comprehension, fluency, thinking, career, and so on are embedded in each "content" lesson. See the specific sessions below for the "content" of each session.

Individual work = Work individuals do one-on-one with volunteers, other learners, or independently. Adult learners track their work in 3-ring binders that contain each learner's current goals, TABE scores, instructional materials, learning strategies, and tracking forms.


The content of each session is determined through a democratic process by the learners and volunteers regularly attending that session. The content is used as a vehicle for developing skilled, passionate, habitual, critical readers, writers, and mathematicians. The content also lets us build awareness, knowledge, and skills related to career, life, and academic choices. Individual instruction depends more closely on learners' goals, needs, and identified TABE areas.

Monday-Thursday mornings - First 2 to 2.5 hours focus on board work and group work. Each session has a different theme or content focus: Mondays - nutrition, Tuesdays - First Aid, Wednesdays - art appreciation, and Thursdays - "My Story." Some mornings also include a second 1 hour piece focused on specific tasks. For example, one small group focuses on animation on Wednesdays (10:45-noon) and once per month IHC comes in to discuss health. The remainder of each session is dedicated to individual work.

Monday afternoons - No board or group work. This session is entirely focused on individual work.

Tuesday & Thursday afternoons - The first 1.5 hours focus on group work and the remaining two hours are dedicated to individual work. Tuesday afternoon's group focuses on note taking. Using the content of learning disabilities, they are investigating disability differences - what are they and how can we use our differences to our best advantage. Thursday afternoon is about exercise and health.

Tuesday & Thursday evenings - Because people enter at different times from work, these sessions begin with individual work. Board work and group work begins around 6:00 PM, lasting 1.0-1.5 hours. The content focus is on pre-algebra and college reading. On the first and third Thursday of each month, SLCC Community Writing Group* runs from 5:00-7:30 PM and includes (most) everyone attending the evening session.

Wednesday afternoons - This session begins with 1.5 hours of group work. The first 30 minutes focuses on silent reading followed by one-minute pair sharing. The second hour focuses on reading and discussing a book. Currently, we are reading The Phantom Tollbooth. The remaining two hours is dedicated to individual work. From 4:00-6:00 PM, we run a limited group focused on specific content set by a small group of learners.

Friday mornings - We focus on individual work. Around 11:00 AM, we are now stopping to celebrate life and play games. (Yes, they are based on needed skills, etc., but still allow some thinking and fun to evolve spontaneously.

Friday afternoons - The afternoon session begins with individual work. From 2:00-4:00 PM, on the first and third Fridays learners participate in the SLCC Community Writing Group.*

*Each group member of the SLCC Community Writing Group develops writing skills to write, revise, and read two finished pieces of writing annually. Both pieces are published in the sine cera by Salt Lake Community College.