Linearity 2012
With the urge for more robust, verifiable and optimised programming languages, the interest for linearity in order to have more control on computational resources is increasing in several areas of Computer Science, both in the theoretical side: with work on proof technology, complexity classes and more recently quantum computation, and in the practical side: work on program analysis, expressive operational semantics, linear languages, and techniques for program transformation, update analysis and efficient implementation. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are currently developing theory and applications of linear calculi, to foster their interaction and provide a forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress, and enable newcomers to learn about current activities in this area. LINEARITY 2012 will be a one-day satellite event of ETAPS 2012.
Topics of interest include foundational calculus, models, applications to programming languages and systems. This includes (but is not limited to):
Linear types: session types, etc
Linear calculi;
Functional calculi: lambda-calculus, rho-calculus, term and graph rewriting;
Object calculi;
Interaction-based systems: interaction nets, games;
Concurrent models: process calculi, action graphs;
Calculi expressing locality, mobility, and active data;
Quantum computational models;
Biological or chemical models of computation;
This event is organized by:
Sandra Alves, Dept. Computer Science and LIACC, University of Porto;
Ian Mackie, LIX, École Polytechnique.