Soccer Clinic FAQs

Who is eligible for the soccer clinic? Children who will be going into kindergarten or first grade in the fall of 2018

What is the soccer clinic? The clinic provides a fun introduction to soccer that teaches the children the fundamental skills of soccer in an age appropriate format and fun environment. For the first half of each session, game-oriented activities are utilized that teach the basic skills of soccer. The second half of the session features small sided soccer games where everyone gets to participate.

How much is the clinic? The clinic is $67

What are the dates & times? June 20, June 27, July 11, 18, 25 & August 1. Each session runs from 6:15 – 7:30

Where is the clinic held? The clinic is held at Boro Field next to the municipal complex.

What do I need to bring? All children must have shin guards in order to participate. Cleats are optional but recommended, especially if the ground is wet. Soccer balls will be provided along with a clinic t-shirt. PLEASE BRING WATER for your child.

Do you still need coaches? Yes!

Can I still help if I don’t know much about soccer? Yes! The PAL provides all coaches with the curriculum and instructions prior to each session. We will usually start each session with all the kids together and then break into smaller groups.

Why not “real” soccer at this age? History has shown that this age group doesn’t learn as much or have as much fun playing “real” soccer. Some children get very few touches playing in a real game environment. The clinic program is developed around familiar games utilizing a soccer ball. We do finish up each session “playing” a real soccer game.