Li Gao (高力)

Hello! I am a professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Wuhan University. My research interests lie in Quantum Information and Functional Analysis. I was trained as an operator algebraist, more from the noncommutative analysis side, but later found myself asipred to be a quantum information theoriest in a math department. 

OpeningsI am looking for highly-motivated and self-driven Postdocs and Ph.D students to work in the intersections between functional analysis and quantum information. If you are interested in this very active and rapid growing interdisplinary area, please contact me by the email below.


Before coming (back) to Wuhan, I was an assistant professor (tenure-track) at University of Houston from 2021 to 2023. I held postdoc positions at the Technical University of Munich in 2021 and Texas A&M University from 2018 to 2020. I obtained my Ph.D. in mathematics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2018, and my Bachelor's degree at Wuhan University in 2012.   

I am grateful that my research is supported by NNSFC and was supported by NSF DMS-2154903.

Here is my CV (updated January 2024).


Address:  School of Mathematics and Statistics,
                  Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.China 430072

Office:      Mathematics Building 320 (老文学院3楼320)

E-mail:      gao dot li at whu dot edu dot cn

Seminars and Events 


I am not teaching this semester. 

Spring 2024: Linear algebra A