
We invite you to join us. Worship at 10:30am on Sundays.

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Everyone Needs Jesus!

 Welcome to LifeQuest Church

LifeQuest Church of Laconia is a Christ-centered Bible believing evangelical church of committed Christians in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. We are:

Committed to Christ

Challenged by His Word

Connected to God

Caring for people

At LifeQuest we desire to passionately pursue God and express His love to others. We desire to know the love of Christ in our personal experience and to be a community committed to taking the message of the love of Christ to others.

We are also interested in sharing the journey with you. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey we invite you to join us. It is our hope that you will find your lifequest fulfilled in Jesus Christ. We want you to know we are interested in you and hope you sense a warm and friendly spirit here. At our worship gathering and other events you will find worship that is meaningful and draws you into a deeper relationship with God Himself, Bible teaching that is relevant, and relationships that are sincere and genuine.

So, whether you are a family, married couple, single, or divorced, we want LifeQuest to be a place for you. You matter to us because you matter to God.   


Please take a look through our website where you will find information about what we believe, what we do, and who we are.

Worship Gathering 10:30 Sundays

Sunday School  9:30 Sundays

We meet at:

115 Court Street

Laconia, New Hampshire

(603) 524-6860