Liane Guillou
I am a postdoc at the University of Edinburgh, working in the StatMT group. The central themes of my research are designing NLP systems with a strong awareness of linguistic context and developing novel evaluation datasets to challenge these systems. My research interests include Machine Translation and evaluating Large Language Models.
March 2024: I have joined the StatMT group at the University of Edinburgh
October 2023: ACES paper accepted at WMT 2023
August 2023: ELOQUENT lab proposal on evaluating large language models accepted at ECIR 2024
August 2023: I have joined RISE as a Senior NLP Researcher
May 2023: Multi3NLU++ paper accepted to ACL Findings 2023 (to be presented at NLP4ConvAI)
January 2023: Invited talk at Inria (13th January)
December 2022: ACES dataset now available on Hugging FaceĀ
October 2022: Paper accepted at WMT 2022
August 2022: Officially appointed as PhD co-supervisor for Nick Ferguson
May 2022: Selected as an outstanding reviewer at ACL 2022
February 2022: Paper accepted to ACL Findings 2022
November 2021: Invited talk at Bosch (18th November)
September 2021: Paper accepted at Insights 2021
August 2021: Paper accepted at EMNLP 2021
August 2021: Group mentor at ACL 2021
August 2021: MoNTEE code released (open information extraction with modality and negation tagging)
June 2021: Paper accepted at CASE 2021
December 2020: Q/A session chair (Evaluation track) at COLING 2020