About me

I am an Associate Professor of Economics in the College of Business at Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, USA.  My main research interest is in the political economy of governance, public choice economics, and economic development of Ukraine and Eastern Europe.  I have published more than twenty peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on these topics. Here is a link to my ResearchGate page, Google Scholar page, and SSRN page. I am also trying to disseminate my research through popular mass media. I contributed to the Louisiana Weekly, the Forbes, the World Politics Review, the EU Reporter, the Ukrainian Weekly, and the Kyiv Post (the leading English-language newspaper in Ukraine). 

This is how you can help Ukraine. You can share this brief explainer of the war with others and contribute to this fundraiser for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. You can also buy one of our academics for Ukraine t-shirts to show your support. 

I earned a Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University, a MA in Economics from Clark University, and a BA in Economics from Kharkiv State University (Ukraine). My dissertation studied the political economy of governance in post-socialist Ukraine. I have previously taught at the University of Texas - Arlington and the University of North Texas. I was a visiting fellow at the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University and a research fellow at the Property and Environment Research Center, the Institute for Humane Studies, and the American Institute for Economic Research. You can view my Curriculum Vitae here.


“Public Choice Economics of the Ukraine Crisis” (with David Hebert) Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, 39(1): 59-74, 2024. 

“State Capacity and the Socialist Calculation Debate”  (with Mykola Bunyk), Southern Economic Journal, 89(3): 694-707, 2023.  

“The Development of Liberalism in Ukraine" (with Yuliya Yehorova), The Independent Review, 27(3): 435-447, 2022.

"Young Mr. Mises and Younger Historicists: Origins of Mises's Liberalism" (with Mykola Bunyk), The Review of Austrian Economics, 35: 177-191, 2022.

"Effect of the Use of Music on Definitional Knowledge in an Introductory Statistics Course: Evidence from Pareto-Chart Activity" (with Jan Anderson), Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 19(4): 265-274, 2021.      

"The Relationship Between Happiness, Volunteering, and Donating" (with John Levendis), The Journal of Economic Insight, 46(1): 1-14, 2020.

“Liberalism and Great Upheaval: What Did Classical Liberals Do in the Tsarist Russia?” (with Mykola Bunyk), Constitutional Political Economy, 30: 96-113, 2019. 

"Weekend Racer: Cheating and Self-Governance in Road Racing" (with John Levendis),  Economics of Governance, 19(1): 75-90, 2018.

“Liberalism in Ukraine” (with Mykola Bunyk), Econ Journal Watch, 15(1): 83-104, 2018.

          Interview with Dr. Larry White,  EJW  Audio

"The Role of the German Historical School in the Development of Mises's Thought" (with Mykola Bunyk), The Review of Austrian Economics, 31(3): 343-357, 2018.

“Property Rights in Transition: Evidence from the 1999 Reform in Ukraine,” Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Transition Economies, 79: 95-116, 2015.

"Privatization of Antarctica" (with Pedro Benitez (student) and Walter Block), The Washington and Lee School of Law Journal of Energy, Climate, and Environment, 6(2): 379-401, 2015.

"Fair Trade: Its Real Impact on the Working Poor" (with David Simpson (student) and Walter Block), Review of Social and Economic Issues, 1(2): 5-28, 2015.

Reprinted in The Political Economy of International Trade and Policy (eds., Ovidiu Folcuț and Gene Epstein), Bucharest, Romania: Pro Universitaria,   pp. 223-241. (Romanian translation).

“Mises and Prediction Markets: Can Markets Forecast?” (with John Levendis), The Review of Austrian Economics, 28(1): 41-52, 2015.

“Political Economy of Agricultural Market Reform: Good Bye Lenin," The Journal of Private Enterprise, 29(1): 119-40, 2013.

“Institutional Stickiness of Democracy in Post-Socialist States: Can Prevailing Culture Explain It?The Review of Austrian Economics, 26(2): 221-37, 2013.

"Using Popular Music to Teach Principles of Economics: Beyoncé’s Take on Demand and Quantity Demanded," The Journal of Private Enterprise, 28(2): 139-49, 2013.

       Supplementary learning activity (Running time: 50 minutes) PowerPoint slides

       The 2013 Best Educational Note Award, the Association of Private Enterprise Education.

       The SSRN's Top Ten download list for Economics Educator eJournal, 2013, 2018, 2020.

“In Defense of Shock Therapy: Post-Socialist Transition of The Czech Republic,” (with Scott Beaulier and Peter Boettke), Journal of Governance and Regulation, Vol.1(2): 72-86, 2012. 

“Property Rights and Farm Efficiency: Evidence from Ukraine,” Economic Change and Restructuring,  44(4): 279-295, 2011.

“Lessons of Privatization: Property Rights in Agricultural Land in Ukraine,” Economic Education Bulletin, Vol. 45(5): 123-136, 2005.


"Walter Block on Externality, Public Goods, and Voluntary Government," in Festschrift for Walter Block (eds., Walter Block and George Lazaroiu), Addleton Academic Publishers, forthcoming.

“Liberalism in Ukraine” (with Mykola Bunyk) in Liberalism in 22 Countries: History and Hope, Vol. 3 (eds., Daniel B. Klein, Jason Briggeman, and Jane S. Stroup), Vancouver, BC: CL Press, Fraser Institute, pp. 222-246, 2023.

"Sozialpolitik and Origins of Ludwig von Mises’s Political Philosophy," (with Mykola Bunyk) in UFM Companion to Ludwig von Mises (ed., Julio H. Cole), Guatemala, Guatemala: Universidad Francisco Marroquín, pp. 53-69, 2020.

“History of the Relationship between Congress and NASA: A Case Study of the Apollo Program,” (with William Maye (student)) in Public Choice Analyses of American Economic History, Vol. 3 (eds., Joshua C. Hall and Marcus Witcher), New York: Springer, pp. 107-122, 2019. 

"Economic Liberalism in Eastern Europe: Very Vibrant but Mild," (with Mykola Bunyk) in What is Classical Liberal History? (eds., Michael Douma and Phillip Magness) Rowman and Littlefield, 2018.

“Post-Flood Recovery of Cities: New Orleans and Prague,” (with D. Rothschild) in The Political Economy of Hurricane Katrina and Community Rebound,  (eds., E. Chamlee-Wright and V.H. Storr) Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 2010.


“Zoom Fatigue in Online Classroom: Evidence from a Field Study” (with Jan Anderson) under review.

"Information and Interstate Conflicts" (with Sang Hoo Bae and Tatyana Deryugina)


PBS Newshour, The Louisiana Weekly, CNBC, WalletHub, WWL_Radio's "The Think Thank" with Garland Robinette, WWL-TV News, WDSU Channel 6 News,  WGNO News, the Forbes, the World Politics Review, the Ukrainian Weekly, the Kyiv Post, EU Reporter.


On-the-ground: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Public Choice Economics, Business Analytics, Business Statistics, Environmental Economics,  International Economic Policy, Political Economy of Post-Communism, Managerial Economics (MBA). 

Online: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Choice Economics, Managerial Economics and Statistics (MBA).


Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Institutional Economics, Journal of History of Economic Thought, Econ Journal Watch, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Eastern European Economics, Review of Austrian Economics, Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Journal of Private Enterprise, The Mercatus Center’s Policy Papers, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Book Review.