Dr Leonhard K. Lades

Professor of Behavioural and Environmental Economics at the University of Stirling.

Director of the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre

Honorary Treasurer of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP).

Google Scholar.


Unfortunately still here (X).

I work on behavioural science and environmental policy. 

I am interested in fostering ethical applications of behavioural insights and have co-developed the nudge FORGOOD framework. 

I am also working on the identification and the removal of sludge particularly when it prevents us from reaching our environmental targets. I am the PI of the Irish EPA-funded research project ABICAP (Assessing Administrative Burdens in Ireland's Climate Action Plan) that runs 2023 - 2025. 

I am interested in behavioural welfare economics. 

I also conduct research on non-standard economic preferences (e.g., present bias).

I frequently use the Day Reconstruction Method to measure everyday experiences (e.g., desires and happiness). 

Contact: Economics, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, UK.
