updated 28/Jan/2025
Lehtonen TK, Helanterä H (2025) The role of neighbours in aggressive defence of territories in mixed-species breeding aggregations of cichlid fish. Hydrobiologia, in press. - pdf
Lehtonen TK, Veneranta L (2024) Gone with the flow: Whitefish egg drift in relation to substrate coarseness under a range of flow velocities. Journal of Fish Biology 105: 147-154. - pdf
Veneranta L, Lehtonen TK, Lehtonen E & Suuronen P (2024) Acoustic seal deterrents in mitigation of human–wildlife conflicts in the whitefish fishery of the River Iijoki in the northern Baltic Sea area. Fisheries Management and Ecology 31: e12680. - pdf
Lehtonen TK, Hirvonen E, Kolari I, Ropponen J, Nyholm K, Keskinen T & Vehanen T (2024) Lakeshore areas of conservation interest: Characteristics of nursery areas of the threatened lake-dwelling grayling, Thymallus thymallus. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 4: e158. - pdf
Polverino G, Lehtonen TK, Geschke A, Gallahan T, Urbancic J & Wong BBM (2024) Size dependent antipredator responses ina fish–shrimp mutualism. Biology Letters 20: 20230285. - pdf
Sutela T, Vehanen T, Jounela P, Aroviita J & Lehtonen TK (2024) Species–environment relationships, clusters, and thermal ranges of fish species inhabiting boreal rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 81: 52-62. - pdf
Lehtonen TK, Gilljam D, Veneranta L, Keskinen T & Bergenius Nord M (2023) The ecology and fishery of the vendace (Coregonus albula) in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Fish Biology 103: 1463-1475. - pdf
Olin M, Heikinheimo O, Lehtonen TK & Raitaniemi J (2023) Long-term monitoring of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) populations under increasing temperatures and predator abundances in the Finnish coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 32: 750-764. - pdf
Lehtonen TK, Helanterä H, Solvi C, Wong BBM, Loukola OJ (2023) The role of cognition in nesting. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 378: 20220142. - pdf
Lehtonen TK, Candolin U & Wong BBM (2023) Environmental variation promotes colour morph specific behavioural differences in a cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour 197: 123-130. - pdf
Kivelä L, Elgert C, Lehtonen TK & Candolin U (2023) The color of artificial light affects mate attraction in the common glow-worm. Science of the Total Environment 857: 159451. - pdf
Helander M, Lehtonen TK, Saikkonen K, Despains L, Nyckees D, Antinoja A, Solvi C & Loukola OJ (2023) Field-realistic acute exposure to glyphosate-based herbicide impairs fine-color discrimination in bumblebees. Science of the Total Environment 857: 159298. - pdf
Chow PKY, Lehtonen TK, Näreaho V & Loukola OJ (2022) Prior associations affect bumblebees’ generalization performance in a tool-selection task. iScience 25: 105466. - pdf
Lehtonen TK, Nagarajan-Radha V, Dowling DK & Wong BBM (2022) Size, more than colour, drives dyadic interactions in sub-adults of a colour polymorphic cichlid. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 111-119. - pdf
Gravolin I, Lehtonen TK, Deal NDS, Candolin U & Wong BBM (2021) Male reproductive adjustments to an introduced nest predator. Behavioral Ecology 32: 1163–1170. - pdf
Sowersby W, Cerca J, Wong BBM, Lehtonen TK, Chapple DG, Leal-Cardín M, Barluenga M & Ravinet M (2021) Pervasive admixture and the spread of a large-lipped form in a cichlid fish radiation. Molecular Ecology 30: 5551–5571. - pdf
Elgert C, Lehtonen TK, Kaitala A & Candolin U (2021) The duration of artifcial light defines sexual signalling in the common glow‑worm. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 154. - pdf
Hopkins J, Lehtonen TK, Baudry G & Kaitala A (2021) Costly mating delays drive female ornamentation in a capital breeder. Ecology and Evolution 11: 8863–8868. - pdf
Elgert C, Lehtonen TK, Kaitala A & Candolin U (2021) Sexual selection for bright females prevails under light pollution. Current Zoology, 67: 329–331. - pdf
Lehtonen TK, Babic NL, Piepponen T, Valkeeniemi O, Borshagovski A-M & Kaitala A (2021) High road mortality during female-biased larval dispersal in an iconic beetle. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 26. - pdf
Borshagovski A-M, Saari P, Lehtonen TK & Kaitala A (2020) When night never falls: female sexual signalling in a nocturnal insect along a latitudinal gradient. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74: 153. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2020) Context-dependent resource choice in a nest-building fish. Animal Behaviour 166: 297–303. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2020) Male phenotype and resource type influence nesting behaviour in a fish. Animal Behaviour 166: 289–296. - Abstract & pdf
Sowersby W, Lehtonen TK, Ravinet M, Barluenga M & Wong BBM (2020) Resource trait specialisation in an introduced fish population with reduced genetic diversity. Biological Invasions 22: 2447–2460. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Kaitala A (2020) Leave me alone: solitary females attract more mates in a nocturnal insect. Behavioral Ecology 31: 1040–1045. - Abstract & pdf
Wiles SC, Bertram MG, Martin JM, Hung T, Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2020) Long-term pharmaceutical contamination and temperature stress disrupt fish behavior. Environmental Science and Technology 54: 8072–8082. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK (2019) Aggression towards shared enemies by heterospecific and conspecific cichlid fish neighbours. Oecologia 191: 359–368. - Abstract & pdf
Fursdon JB, Martin JM, Bertram MG, Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2019) The pharmaceutical pollutant fluoxetine alters reproductive behaviour in a fish independent of predation risk. Science of the Total Environment 650: 642–652. - Abstract & pdf
Wong BBM, Lehtonen TK & Lindström K (2018) Spatial and temporal patterns of nest distribution influence sexual selection in a marine fish. Oikos 127: 1104–1112. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK (2018) What is the role of competition among pairs is speciation?: a comment on Tinghitella et al. Behavioral Ecology 29: 799. - Pdf
Lehtonen TK, Svensson PA & Wong BBM (2018) Aggressive desert goby males also court more, independent of the physiological demands of salinity. Scientific Reports 8: 9352. - Abstract & pdf
Sowersby W, Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2018) Threat sensitive adjustment of aggression by males and females in a biparental cichlid. Behavioral Ecology 29: 761–768. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Vesakoski O, Yli-Rosti J, Saarinen A & Lindström K (2018) The impact of an invasive mud crab on brood success of nest-building fish in the Northern Baltic Sea. Biological Invasions 20: 981–993. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK*, Elmer KR*, Lappalainen M & Meyer A (2018) Genetic evidence for panmixia in a colony-breeding crater lake cichlid fish. Scientific Reports 8: 1166. - Abstract & pdf *equal contributors
Deal NDS, Lehtonen TK, Lindström K & Wong BBM (2017) Paternal investment with an uncertain future: effects of predator exposure on filial cannibalism and nesting behaviour. Animal Behaviour 132: 81–90. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK (2017) Parental coordination with respect to color polymorphism in a crater lake fish. Behavioral Ecology 28: 925–933. - Abstract & pdf
Sowersby W, Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2017) Temporal and sex-specific patterns of breeding territory defense in a color-polymorphic cichlid fish. Hydrobiologia 791: 237–245. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2017) Males are quicker to adjust aggression towards heterospecific intruders in a cichlid fish. Animal Behaviour 124: 145–151. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Wong BBM & Kvarnemo C (2016) Effects of salinity on nest-building behaviour in a marine fish. BMC Ecology 16: 7. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Svensson PA & Wong BBM (2016) The influence of recent social experience and physical environment on courtship and male aggression. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 18. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Gagnon K, Sowersby W & Wong BBM (2016) Allopatry, competitor recognition and heterospecific aggression in crater lake cichlids. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16: 3. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Kvarnemo C (2015) Density effects on fish egg survival and infections depend on salinity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 540: 183–191. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Sowersby W, Gagnon K & Wong BBM (2015) Cichlid fish use coloration as a cue to assess the threat status of heterospecific intruders. The American Naturalist 186: 547–552. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Sowersby W & Wong BBM (2015) Heterospecific aggression towards a rarer colour morph. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 282: 20151551. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Lindström K & Wong BBM (2015) Body size mediates social and environmental effects on nest building behaviour in a fish with paternal care. Oecologia 178: 699–706. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Kvarnemo C (2015) Infections may select for filial cannibalism by impacting egg survival in interactions with water salinity and egg density. Oecologia 178: 673–683. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Kvarnemo C (2015) Odour cues from suitors' nests determine mating success in a fish. Biology Letters 11: 20150021. - Abstract & pdf
Sowersby W, Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2015) Background matching ability and the maintenance of a colour polymorphism in the red devil cichlid. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 395–402. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK (2014) Colour biases in territorial aggression in a Neotropical cichlid fish. Oecologia 175: 85–93. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Lindström K & Wong BBM (2013) Effects of egg predator on nest choice and nest construction in sand gobies. Animal Behaviour 86: 867–871. - Abstract & pdf
Lindström K & Lehtonen TK (2013) Mate sampling and choosiness in the sand goby. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 280: 20130983. - Abstract & pdf
Elmer KR, Lehtonen TK, Fan S & Meyer A (2013) Crater lake colonization by Neotropical cichlid fishes. Evolution 67: 281–288. - Abstract & pdf
Japoshvili B, Lehtonen TK, Wong BBM & Lindström K (2012) Repeatability of nest size choice and nest building in sand gobies. Animal Behaviour 84: 913–917. - Abstract & pdf
Svensson PA, Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2012) A high aggression strategy for smaller males. PLoS ONE 7: e43121. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK (2012) Signal value of male courtship effort in a fish with paternal care. Animal Behaviour 83: 1153–1161. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, McCrary JK & Meyer A (2012) Introduced predator elicits deficient brood defence behaviour in a crater lake fish. PLoS ONE 7: e30064. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Svensson PA & Wong BBM (2011) Both male and female identity influence variation in male signalling effort. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 233. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Meyer A (2011) Heritability and adaptive significance of the number of egg-dummies in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. Proceedings ofthe Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 278: 2318–2324. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Wong BBM, Svensson PA & Meyer A (2011) Adjustment of brood care behaviour in the absence of a mate in two species of Nicaraguan crater lake cichlids. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 613–619. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Wong BBM, Lindström K & Meyer A (2011) Species divergence and seasonal succession in rates of mate desertion in closely related Neotropical cichlid fishes. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 607–612. - Abstract & pdf
Svensson PA, Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2010) The interval between sexual encounters affects male courtship tactics in a desert-dwelling fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 1967–1970. - Abstract & pdf
Elmer KR, Lehtonen TK, Kautt AF, Harrod C & Meyer A (2010) Rapid sympatric ecological differentiation of crater lake cichlid fishes within historic times. BMC Biology 8: 60. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, McCrary JK & Meyer A (2010) Territorial aggression can be sensitive to the status of heterospecific intruders. Behavioural Processes 84: 598–601. - Abstract & pdf
Elmer KR, Kusche H, Lehtonen TK & Meyer A (2010) Local variation and parallel evolution: morphological and genetic diversity across a species complex of neotropical crater lake cichlid fishes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 365: 1763–1782. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Wong BBM & Lindström K (2010) Fluctuating mate preferences in a marine fish. Biology Letters 6: 21–23. - Abstract & pdf
Elmer KR*, Lehtonen TK* & Meyer A (2009) Color assortative mating contributes to sympatric divergence of neotropical cichlid fish. Evolution 63: 2750–2757. - Abstract & pdf *equal contributors
Lehtonen TK & Wong BBM (2009) Should females prefer males with elaborate nests? Behavioral Ecology 20: 1015–1019. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Lindström K (2009) Females decide whether size matters: plastic mate preferences tuned to the intensity of male–male competition. Behavioral Ecology 20: 195–199. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK (2008) Convict cichlids benefit from close proximity to another species of cichlid fish. Biology Letters 4: 610–612. - Abstract & pdf
Wong BBM, Lehtonen TK & Lindström K (2008) Male nest choice in sand gobies, Pomatoschistus minutus. Ethology 114: 575–581. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Lindström K (2008) Density-dependent sexual selection in the monogamous fish Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. Oikos 117: 867–874. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Lindström K (2008) Repeatability of mating preferences in the sand goby. Animal Behaviour 75: 55–61. - Abstract & pdf
Järvi-Laturi M, Lehtonen TK, Pampoulie C & Lindström K (2008) Paternal care behaviour of sand gobies is determined by habitat related nest structure. Behaviour 145: 39–50. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK, Rintakoski S & Lindström K (2007) Mate preference for multiple cues: interplay between male and nest size in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Behavioral Ecology 18: 696–700. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen TK & Lindström K (2007) Mate compatibility, parental allocation and fitness consequences of mate choice in Pomatoschistus minutus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1581–1588. - Abstract & pdf
Lehtonen T & Lindström K (2004) Changes in sexual selection resulting from novel habitat use in the sand goby. Oikos 104: 327–335. - Abstract & pdf