

The Fielding research group are based in the Department of Materials at The University of Manchester and our laboratories are located in the Henry Royce Institute hub building. Our research primarily focuses on the design, synthesis and applications of polymers and polymer colloids for use in fields such as waterborne coatings and adhesives, nanocomposite materials, 3D printing, biomedical diagnostics and regenerative medicine. This website aims to provide a background to who we are, a directory of our publications and highlight a range of our research activities.

We are always looking for new collaborators and to recruit talented PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers, where funding allows. Currently advertised project vacancies can be found on our University of Manchester research  page and informal enquiries can be sent via email (contact details at foot of page). Prospective applicants who can self-fund or have a scholarship should also make initial contact by email.

July '24 - Paper published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

The latest work from Xueyuan Li's PhD project has been published in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. In this article we show that pyrene-functionalized poly(methacrylic acid) acts as an efficient stabilizer for graphene nanoplatelets and facilitates their use in waterborne latex formulations .

July '24 - IUPAC MACRO 2024

Several of the group attended and presented at IUPAC MACRO 2024: The 50TH World Polymer Congress. Lee gave an invited presentation on our work on stimuli-responsive soft materials. Laila and Mandi presented posters on their PhD work.

April '24 - Magnetic nanocomposite hydrogels formed from wormlike micelles

Our latest work on nanocomposite hydrogels has recently been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. It contains some really exciting demonstrations highlighting the multi-functional behaviour of these materials.


Henry Royce Institute Hub Building,  The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK.