le catholicisme réforme

Summary: le catholicisme réforme did not go through the ‘post-Rapture’ existential crisis that afflicted many of the modern Protestant (Baptist derived) faiths. To Catholicism, this was simply yet another trial or disaster endemic to the world, and this view helped to maintain the Church and its adherents through the collapse. In some ways modern Catholicism can be considered Reformed Post-Reformation Catholicism. One of the most important concepts of the new Catholicism is that it is less about outward actions and more about truly held faith. Simply going through the motions of works and attendance does not guarantee the hereafter. In short, ‘Indulgences’ would be considered horrific and a crime against the faith in the modern church.

Catholics are, first and foremost, Christians who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Catholicism shares some beliefs with other Christian practices, but essential Catholic beliefs include the following:

Catholics also believe that since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, all humans are born with original sin, which only Baptism removes. A happier belief is in grace, a totally free, unmerited gift from God. Grace is a sharing in the divine; the inspiration to do God’s will.

Catholics recognize the unity of body and soul for each human being. So the whole religion centers on the truth that humankind stands between the two worlds of matter and spirit. The physical world is considered part of God's creation and is, therefore, inherently good until an individual misuses it.

The commandments

new ones:

11. Patience above all. Let neither haste nor passion lead one to violating the 10.

Role of Saints

A saint is recognized as an especially blessed person who, for whatever reason, is able to intercede on mortalities behalf after death. Miracles attributed to these saintly individuals does not mean they are objects of worship, rather thanks.

Role of the Church

The Church and its hierarchy represents a ‘safety buffer’ against the aggressive demios of the Protestant style decentralized congregations and the excesses that were generated by the popular hysterics during and after the collapse. Women are allowed into the clergy, but still discouraged, as female celibacy is considered nearly sinful in its own right after the mass die off of the collapse. As such there is discussion of finally removing that form all member of the clergy (informally that is currently the unspoken policy), however the rule against clerical inheritance of worldly possessions is ironclad and immutable.