Latika Chaudhary is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Naval Postgraduate School. Her research focuses on key issues in economic development, business history and public finance, with an emphasis on human capital and infrastructure. She has published articles in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Economic Journal, Explorations in Economic History, Journal of Economic History, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Institutional Economics and Economics of Education Review. Her military projects have been funded by the Naval Research Program, Acquisition Research Program and USMEPCOM. She teaches courses in economics, statistics, and cost-benefit analysis at NPS where she has received the Liskin Award for Teaching Excellence and the EMBA Teaching Excellence Award.
Before joining NPS, she was an Assistant Professor at Scripps College, a Hoover National Fellow, an Economics Fellow at Stanford University, and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study at University of Warwick.