Luca Benzoni's Home Page

 Luca Benzoni 

Senior Financial Economist and Research Advisor 

Research Department  

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago  

230 S. LaSalle Street  

Chicago, IL 60604  

Phone 312-322-8499 

Fax:    312-322-2357


"On the Mechanics of Fiscal Inflations," with M Bassetto and J Hall, 2024

"What Does the CDS Market Imply for a U.S. Default?," with C. Cabanilla, A. Cocco,  and C. Kavoussi, 2023

"Incomplete Information, Debt Issuance, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads," with L. Garlappi and R. Goldstein, 2023

 "Debt Dynamics with Fixed Issuance Costs," with L. Garlappi and R. Goldstein, and Chao Ying. Online Appendix by J. Hugonnier. 2022

"Sources of Fluctuations in Short-Term Yields and Recession Probabilities,'' with A. Ajello, M.  Schwinn, Y. Timmer, and F. Vazquez-Grande, 2022

"Monetary Policy, Inflation Outlook, and Recession Probabilities,'' with A. Ajello, M.  Schwinn, Y. Timmer, and F. Vazquez-Grande, 2022

"Core and `Crust': Consumer Prices and the Term Structure of Interest Rates,'' with A. Ajello and O. Chyruk, 2020

"Why Does the Yield Curve Slope Predict Recessions?,'' with O. Chyruk and D. Kelley, 2018

"The Value and Risk of Human Capital," with O. Chyruk, 2015

"Modeling Credit Contagion via the Updating of Fragile Beliefs,'' with R. Goldstein, P. Collin-Dufresne, and J. Helwege, 2015

"No Arbitrage Restrictions and the U.S. Treasury Market,'' with A. Ajello and O. Chyruk, 2012

"Explaining Asset Pricing Puzzles Associated with the 1987 Market Crash," with P. Collin-Dufresne and R. Goldstein, 2011

"Do Bonds Span Volatility Risk in the U.S. Treasury Market? A Specification Test for Affine Term Structure Models,'' with T. G. Andersen, 2010  

"Conflict of Interest and Certification in the U.S. IPO Market," with C. Schenone, 2010

"Life-Cycle Investment Decisions and Labor Income Risk," with R. S.  Goldstein, 2010

"Investing over the Life Cycle with Long-Run Labor Income Risk," with O. Chyruk, 2009

"Stochastic Volatility," with T. G. Andersen, 2009

"Realized Volatility,'' with T. G. Andersen, 2009

"Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle when the Stock and Labor Markets are Cointegrated," with Pierre Collin-Dufresne and Robert S. Goldstein, 2007

"An Empirical Investigation of Continuous-Time Equity Return Models," with Torben G. Andersen and Jesper Lund, 2002


Working Papers and Work in Progress:

"Financial Conditions, Monetary Policy, and the U.S. Economy: A VAR Retrospective of the Last 20 Years" with M. Bassetto, D. Kelley, and T. Serrao, 2019

"The Determinants of Interest Rate Volatility in the U.S. Treasury Market,'' with T. G. Andersen

"Stochastic Volatility, Mean Drift and Jumps in the Short Term Interest Rate," 2004, with Torben G. Andersen and Jesper Lund

"Pricing Options under Stochastic Volatility: An Empirical Investigation," 2002


Other Links: 

My web page at SSRN

My web page at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 

My web page at Google Scholar

The views expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System.