‘Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.’

John F. Kennedy

Since 2020, I am employed as a software developer in Swedish company Nexus Group. I am part of a team developing Smart Id Desktop App, which is a c# uwp (virtual) smartcard/certificate/private key manager. I am also responsible for its selenium/appium based driven automated testing, for which I am as well building a powershell puppet master that controls the test network (manages test machines, executes tests, harvests results and logs, and collects them into web server) .

2020, I joined the fathers club, happy to be there! I believe in goodness and harmony, I practice Tai Ji, Qi Gong, and the art of Philosophy.

Formerly, I was a researcher in mathematical logic (employed by the Czech Academy of Sciences for almost seven years) . I was mostly focused on study of non-classical logics using the tools of algebraic logic. Research-wise, I am also interested in the question of mathematical foundations: set theory, type theory, category theory, and their application in automated proof checking. I received my PhD in Logic at the Department of Logic of Charles University in Prague in 2018. My studies were supervised by Carles Noguera.

You can contact me at lavicka.thomas at gmail.com