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I received my Ph.D. in Economics from Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata.
My research interests are in Banking, Contract Theory, Experimental Economics and Information Economics.
Coordination failure in experimental banks of different sizes, with F. Belotti, E. Campioni, F. Marazzi, L. Panaccione, and A. Piano Mortari. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol. 44, December 2024, 101000.
Lab-like findings from online experiments, with I. Buso, D. Di Cagno, L. Ferrari, L. Lorè, F. Marazzi, L. Panaccione, and L. Spadoni. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2021, vol. 7, pp. 184–193.
The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on fairness and cooperation: Evidence from a lablike experiment, with I. Buso, S. de Caprariis, D. Di Cagno, L. Ferrari, F. Marazzi, L. Panaccione, and L. Spadoni. Economics Letters, 2020, 196(C),
Gli effetti della modalità di comunicazione del rischio sulle scelte di investimento finanziario: i risultati di un esperimento, with I. Buso, D. Di Cagno, and L. Spadoni. Moneta e Credito, 2022, 75(297), pp. 61–75.
Concavity of the CES function via the power mean inequality, with L. Panaccione. Working Papers in Public Economics No. 239/2023.
Experimental Analysis of Endogenous Institutional Choice: Constantly Revealing Versus Ad-Hoc Contracting, with Daniela Di Cagno, Lorenzo Ferrari and Werner Güth. CEIS Working Paper No. 523/2021.
Bank-based or Market-based financial sources: Which is better for the EU? with Esposito Piero, Marcello Messori e Manuela Mischitelli. Working Paper No. 19/2021, SEP Luiss University.
Lab-like Findings of Non-Lab Experiments: a Methodological Proposal and Validation, with I. M. Buso, S. de Caprariis, D. Di Cagno, L. Ferrari, L. Lorè, F. Marazzi, L. Panaccione, and L. Spadoni. CESARE Working Paper No. 3/2020
Suboptimality of Probability Matching—a Formal Proof, a Graphical Analysis and an Impulse Balance Interpretation, with Luca Panaccione. CEIS Working Paper No. 490/2020
Financial Literacy and Bank Runs: an Experimental Analysis, with Eloisa Campioni, Loredana Mirra and Luca Panaccione. CEIS Working Paper No. 402/2017
Financial Intermediation and Deposit Contracts: A Strategic View. CER-ETH – Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich Working Paper 15/213 (2015)
Liquidity provision with OTC market and strategic liquidation, with Ugo Zannini
Stochastic Cooperation of Non-Mutually Dependent Sellers, with Lorenzo Ferrari, Werner Güth and Luca Panaccione
Self-Control and Marginal Productivity of Labor---An Experiment on Breaks, Productivity, and Temptation , with Luca Corazzini, Milos Fišar and Alessandro Salis