Christian Laforest
Professor of computer science.
Computer scientist at LIMOS (French laboratory of computer science; associated with CNRS, UMR 6158).
Teacher at ISIMA (French graduate engineering school focused on computing and applications).
Professor at Clermont-Auvergne INP and "Université Clermont Auvergne" .
Campus universitaire des Cézeaux,
1, rue de la Chebarde,
TSA 60026, CS 60026,
Phone: (+33/0) 4 73 40 74 41
Fax: (+33/0) 4 73 40 76 39
Mail : laforest AT
Activités de vulgarisation (French)
Des articles de vulgarisation.
Dans le magazine Tangente :
Algorithme d'approximation pour un problème de couplage. BIB n. 72, p. 124-125, 2020.
Construire le plus petit graphe ayant des degrés donnés, Tangente HS 72, 2019 et version plus détaillée BIB n. 72, p. 118-119, 2020.
Un algorithme aléatoire pour le problème 3-SAT, Tangente HS 72, 2019 et version revue BIB n. 72, p. 130-133, 2020.
Sur l'algorithme de Dijkstra, Tangente HS 72, 2019 et version revue pour BIB n. 72, p. 120-123, 2020.
Sur les algorithmes en ligne (cet article a reçu le prix Tangente du meilleur article 2015).
Sur les automates et les langages formels, magazine Tangente 2017.
Sur des propriétés de nombres entiers , magazine Tangente 2016.
Sur les algorithmes d'approximation , magazine Tangente 2015 (article primé en 2014).
Sur le site The conversation (lecture libre et gratuite ; articles courts) :
Article sur la coloration de graphes et les plannings optimaux, site The conversation, 2019.
Article sur le tri topologique, (ou comment élaborer une notice de montage), site The conversation, 2019.
Article sur les graphes, site The conversation, 2018.
Article sur les problèmes difficiles, site The conversation, 2018.
Article sur la coloration d'arêtes et la planification de tête-à-tête, Sept. 2020, site
Une chaine Youtube de vulgarisation sur les graphes
Research Activities
My present research interests are around (but not limited to) the following topics:
Graph algorithms and theory (mainly: vertex cover, independent dominating set, Steiner tree)
Discrete optimization
Approximation algorithms (Worst case analysis and Average case analysis)
Online algorithms (and adaptative algorithms)
Random algorithms
Multicriteria optimization/approximation
Distributed algorithms
I often use Maple to test my algorithms on graphs and to make calculations.
Past (or secondary) interests/projects:
Scheduling algorithms, Networks algorithms (among them optical networks)
Past projects (I mention my specific contributions in each project):
Multipoints (QoS in networks, funded by CNRS): Works on bi-criteria Steiner trees (weight and induced distances)
AcTAM (QoS and pricing, funded by CNRS): Works on multi-criteria scheduling and shared costs in broadcast trees.
ROM and ROM-EO (optical networks and QoS; 2 projects funded by RNRT, with industrial partners as Alcatel and France Télécom): Conception and study of Optical routing via Eulerian cycles in directed graphs.
ALGOL (optimization of algorithms to capture spacial pictures in satellites, funded by ACI masse de données): Algorithms and approximation results on the quality of the capture.
Project TODO (funded by the French ANR): Time versus Optimization in Discrete Optimization.
Project SHAMAN (funded by the French ANR) : Self-organizing and Healing Architectures for Malicious and Adversarial Network
See this page (not always up to date).
PhD students (past and present):
Alexis Irlande (1998->2002, with Jean-Claude Konig 50%) [Assistant professor in Colombia]
Christian Destré (2001->2004, with Sandrine Vial 50%) [R&D project manager at Orange]
Fabien Baille (2002 ->2005, with Evripidis Bampis 50%) [Working as software dev.]
Nicolas Thibault (2003->2006, 100%) [Assistant professor at Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris, since 2009]
François Delbot (2006->2009, 100%) [Assistant professor since 2011]
Romain Campigotto (2008->2011, 50% with Eric Angel) [Now working in a company (after a PostDoc at LIP6, Université P.&M. Curie, Paris)]
Raksmey Phan (2010-> 2013, 100%) [now "ingénieur de recherches")
Benjamin Momège (2011->2015, 50% with M. Kanté, regional funding from Auvergne and CNRS) [now post doc]
Alexis Cornet (2015-> 2018 100%) [now ATER].
Each of them received a "bourse du ministère de la recherche", except Raksmey Phan (granted by TODO ANR project) and Benjamin Momège (granted from CNRS and Région Auvergne).