Kunwadee Sripanidkulchai (Kay)
ดร.กุลวดี ศรีพานิชกุลชัย
Department of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
I am a faculty member at the Department of Computer Engineering at Chulalongkorn University. My research interests are in big data analytics, cloud computing, and networking. I am pursuing exciting ways to apply those technologies to different sectors. My recent focus is on the healthcare industry, a major source of big data in Thailand.
I also have held adjunct faculty appointments at several universities including Columbia University, Asian Institute of Technology, Khonkaen University, Mahidol University, Srinakharinwirot University, and Thammasat University.
I was a principle researcher and head of the Healthcare Systems and Data Analytics Research Lab (HDA) at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) in Thailand. My research centered around developing and deploying large-scale privacy-aware cloud-based analytics services for Thailand with use cases in the healthcare domain. We piloted MoPHDC (Ministry of Public Health Provincial Data Center) to integrate patient records across 600 healthcare providers in Thailand and to visualize patient records in meaningful ways through the use of clinical and business analytics. Since then, we have expanded our work to mobile platforms with the launch of "KhunLook" for Android, iOS and Web users. KhunLook is a personal health record (PHR) system for child care-givers to track and evaluate their children's growth and developmental goals. KhunLook has more than 200,000 downloads! We also provide consulting services to hospitals and healthcare organizations in Thailand.
In my previous role as a Research Staff Member in the Services Research division at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, I developed solutions to address the technical and business challenges of migration into clouds and virtualized environments, and enabling live migration across data centers. I was the lead architect working with a large IBM Global Technology Services and IBM Research team to develop a new virtualization service offering for IBM that dramatically reduces the return on investment of virtualization through process and technology transformation/optimization. I also worked on challenges in design, configuration, and continual optimization of routing for large enterprise VoIP networks. I have made code asset and design contributions to a range of IBM products and service offerings for IT delivery, virtualization, cloud computing, data migration, and VoIP.
I was a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University working with my advisors Hui Zhang and Bruce Maggs. My research interests are in computer networking and wide-area distributed systems. I worked on peer-to-peer content distribution systems and End System Multicast for my Ph.D. thesis, and reliable multicast for my Master's thesis.
USA (Granted | Filed) | Thailand (Filed)
Last updated January 2019.