I am an Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering department, IIT Patna. Prior to this, I worked as an Assistant Professor at the EE Department, IIT Patna (May 2017 - Oct 2022) and ECE Department, VNIT Nagpur (July 2016 - May 2017), respectively. I was also associated with TCS Innovation Lab, Kolkata, India as a Scientist in the broad area of Sensor Data Analytics (Feb. 2016 - July 2016) and Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK as an Erasmus Mundus Fellow (Oct. 2014 - Jul. 2015). I received my Ph.D from specialization Signal Processing and Communication Networks, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India in Dec. 2015. I work in the broad areas of Signal processing, Communications, Networks and Machine & Deep Learning.
Broad Interests
Wireless Sensor Networks,
Internet of Things (IoT) Networks,
Molecular Communications Networks,
Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS)-assisted Networks
Topics of current interests
Estimation Theory/Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Quantum Computing for applications such as Localization, Activity Recognition, Fog Computation, Channel & Synchronization Estimation and Healthcare Data Analytics
Looking for sincere and motivated students (UG/PG) who strive to produce quality in quantitative research
Start-up: Dhenutrack Private Limited on AI-based Automated Cow Management System, Financially supported by Incubation Center, IIT Patna
Government of India Sponsored Project
Remuneration will be paid based on the work.
[Feb. 2025] Expert lecture in FDP on Next-generation Wireless Sensor Networks (NGWSN-2025) at NIT Jamshedpur, Feb 2025
[Feb. 2025] Expert lecture in short term course (FDP) "Recent Trends in Machine Intelligence", K.K. University Campus Nalanda organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, IIT Patna, Feb 2025
[Feb. 2025] Invited talk at MeiTY sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP) titled "5G Wireless System Design: From the Standards Perspective", NIT Patna, Feb 2025
[Feb. 2025] Congrats Gaurav for research paper Cramér-Rao Bound Analysis for Localization in α-μ Fading IoT Environments publication at IEEE Internet of Things Journal
[Dec. 2024] Received the Best Paper Award (Poster Presentation Category) at 19th EAI Bodynets 2024 held at IIT BHU, Varanasi for the paper titled "Wireless Device Localization in Rician Faded IRS assisted 6G Networks"
[Dec. 2024] Presentation at 19th EAI Bodynets 2024 held at IIT BHU, Varanasi for the paper titled "Wireless Device Localization in Rician Faded IRS assisted 6G Networks"
[Dec 2024] Technology Transfer: System for Geospatial Navigation for Smart Parking and Dustbin Management free of GPS, Inventors: Mohammad Zeeshan, Ankur Pandey, Pramod Kumar Tiwari, Sudhir Kumar
[Dec 2024] Congrats Syed Mohammed Danish (Final Year B.Tech. student) for Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks based Human Activity Recognition using CSI, 17th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), IEEE, Bengaluru
[Nov 2024] Congrats Vidyesh Bondre for acceptance of paper at 19th EAI Bodynet
[Oct 2024] Congrats Aditya Singh, Syed Mohammed Danish, Gaurav Prasad on the acceptance of A Unified α-η-κ-µ Fading Model based Real-Time Localization on IoT Edge Devices at IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
[Sep 2024] Top 2% Scientists of the world, published by Stanford University, 2024
[Sep 2024] Distinguished guest speaker for our Career Counselling in 2024, Radiant International School, Patna
[Sep 2024] Congrats Akarsh Yadav on the Acceptance of B.Tech. Project work as Non-Data-Aided SNR Estimation for Molecular Communication Systems in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3465495, 2024 (IF: 10.238, h5 index: 171) in collaboration with Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea
[Aug 2024] Congrats Ajit for journal paper "Joint Localization and Clock Synchronization in Cuboid Bounded Diffusive Channel with Absorbing and Reflecting Boundaries" at IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
[Aug 2024] Congrats Gaurav, Piyush and Ankur on the acceptance of journal paper titled "A Lightweight α-μ Fading Environment based Localization towards Edge Implementation" at IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
[July 2024] Congrats Mohit Kumar Saxena for, Dynamic CPU Frequency Scaling for Efficient Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Fog Networks for CIoT Applications, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, DOI: 10.1109/TCE.2024.3427725, 2024 (IF: 4.3, h5 index: 39)
[June 2024] Invited Talk in SERB Karyashala workshop " Machine Learning Based Hybrid Optical and Wireless Communications", NIT Patna
[May 2024]: Rohit Bahvesh, an M.Tech. student under my guidance received the Best Masters' Project (MTP) Award in Communication System Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, 10th Convocation 2024 at IIT Patna.
[April 2024] Attended and presented research paper at the 38th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2024) Kitakyushu, Japan
[March 2024] Delivered a Lecture in "Emerging Technologies for Beyond 5G Communication Networks” under the KARYASHALA Scheme funded by SERB at IIT Patna
[March 2024] Delivered a Lecture in High-End Workshop on "Applications of Signal Processing for the Development of Wearables for Disabled and Elderly” under the KARYASHALA Scheme funded by SERB, IIT Patna
[March 2024] Congrats Gaurav on getting the 1st Poster Presentation Award held at 13th Research Scholar Day, IIT Patna
[Feb 2024] Delivered lectures in NPTEL Special Lecture Series on the topic "Fundamentals of Machine Learning" as a part of ACM India Winter School on Recent Trends on AI & ML for Industry 4.0 at Department of CSE, IIT Patna
[Feb 2024] Invited speaker in the workshop on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Smart Sensing and Internet of Everything (IoE) at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Jais (An Institute of National Importance, Set up through an Act of Parliament)
[Jan 2024] A Vision Transformer Based Indoor Localization Using CSI Signals in IoT Networks') is accepted for presentation at the 38th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2024)
Congrats Aditya Gupta (B.Tech. 3rd Year student), Avnish Aryan (B.Tech. 3rd Year student) and Gaurav Prasad (Ph.D. student)
[Jan 2024] Acceptance of EAI BODYNETS 2023 2024 to your submission Spectral Features-based Machine Learning Approach to Detect SARS-COV-2 Infection Using Cough Sound
[Dec. 2023] Guest of Honour in inaugural session of 7th National Management Summit & Research Conference (NMSRC 2023) at International School of Management (ISM) Patna, Dec. 2023
[Dec 2023] Speaker in ACM India Winter School on “Recent Trends in AI/ML for Industry 4.0” at IIT Patna
[Dec 2023] Many Congratulations Ankur Pandey & Piyush Tiwary for
Bessel Function Mixture Model for Localization in Generalized η-μ IoT Fading Environment, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
Congrats Aditya (B.Tech. final year student) & Gaurav Prasad for
A Generic α-η-κ-μ Fading Environment based Indoor Localization, 16th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), IEEE, Bengaluru, India
[Nov 2023] Congrats Ajit on successful PhD Defence. All the best for your future endeavours Dr. Ajit Kumar.
[Nov 2023] Keynote Speaker and Guest of Honour at International Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Knowledge Informatics and Industrial Electronics (AIKIIE-2023), Rao Bahadur Y. Mahabaleswarappa Engineering College (RYMEC), Ballari, Karnataka
[Oct. 2023] Expert Talk titled "IoT Computing to Quantum Computing" at G H Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur
[Oct. 2023] Invited Talk at "National Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (NCAEST-2023)" Bhagalpur College of Engineering
[Oct. 2023] Assumed Charges of Professor in Charge (PIC) & Secretary, Incubation Centre, IIT Patna
[Sep 2023] Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Ajit. All the best!
Thesis Title: Joint Parameter Estimation Based on Molecules Concentration and Arriving Time in Molecular Communication Networks
[Aug 2023] Third in a Row... Many Many Congratulations Ajit on the acceptance of an IEEE Internet of Things Journal paper!
Title: Joint Clock Offset and Skew Estimation based on Correlated Propagation Delays in Internet of Bio-Nano Things
[Aug 2023] Another one... Congrats Gaurav and Ankur for a journal paper!
Domain Adaptation for Localization using Combined Autoencoder and Gradient Reversal Layer in Dynamic IoT Environment, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, (IF: 6.6, h5 index: 62)
[Aug 2023] Congrats Ajit Kumar and Akarsh Yadav!
On the acceptance of a Journal paper: Rectangular Concentration-based Nanomachine Localization in Molecular Communication Networks with Unknown Emission Time at IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
[July 2023] Assumed Charge of Joint Secretary, Incubation Centre, IIT Patna
[July 2023] Prof. Sajal K. Das (IEEE Fellow) from the Department of Computer Science, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Roll, USA visited the IoT Lab and Department of Electrical Engg., IIT Patna to strengthen the collaborations
[July 2023] Presentation at 22nd IEEE Statistical Signal Processing (SSP) Workshop 2023, Hanoi, Vietnam
[June 2023] Inaugural session for Smart Bihar Hackathon held at Government Women's Polytechnic Patna
[May 2023] Invited Talk in DST sponsored Twelve-Day workshop on "Entrepreneurship Skill Development Program” at IIT Patna
[May 2023] Chief Mentor for Smart Bihar Hackathon held at New Polytechnic Patna
[April 2023] Congrats Rohit Bhavesh (M.Tech. student) on the acceptance of a conference paper
Smart Device Localization under Generic \(\alpha-\kappa-\mu\) Shadowed Fading IoT Environment using Signed Gradient Method
at IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), IEEE, Hanoi, Vietnam
[April 2023] Congrats Priyesh Ranjan and Pritam Khan in collaboration with Prof. Sajal K Das (IEEE Fellow, Missouri University of Science and Technology Rolla, USA) on the acceptance of journal paper:
log-Sigmoid Activation-based Long Short Term Memory for Time Series Data Classification, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
Priyesh completed his B.Tech. project (BTP) from IIT Patna in 2021. He is currently pursuing PhD at Computer Science department, Missouri University of Science and Technology Rolla, USA.
[March 2023] Invited Lectures in "High-End Workshop on: Brain-inspired/Neuromorphic Computing for Responsible AI", under KARYASHALA Scheme of SERB, IIT Patna, March 2023
[March 2023] Congrats Ajit and Akarsh... Journal paper titled "Joint Synchronization and Range Estimation with Correlated Arrival Times in Molecular Communication Networks", accepted at IEEE Systems Journal.
[Feb 2023] Two book chapters have been accepted in the book entitled "Intelligent Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems" to be published by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, USA
1. Mohit Kumar Saxena, Anmol Chaddha, Sudhir Kumar, Delay-Aware Partial Computational Offloading and Resource Allocation in Fog-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems
2. Mohammad Zeeshan, Ankur Pandey, Sudhir Kumar, RSS-based Smart Device Localization using Few Shot Learning in IoT Networks
Congrats to authors!
[Feb 2023] Recognized as an Exemplary Reviewer for year 2022 at IEEE Communications Letters.
[Jan 2023] Organized and delivered some Lectures in "High-End Workshop on: AI-enabled IoT for Healthcare and Medical Electronics", under KARYASHALA Scheme of SERB, IIT Patna, Jan 2023
[Jan 2023] Congrats Akarsh Yadav (Final Year B.Tech. Student) and Ajit Kumar (Ph.D. student) for
The best poster paper award (Second Runner Up) at 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS 2023), Bengaluru, India, Jan 2023
[Dec. 2022] Congrats Ajit on the acceptance of the journal paper titled "Joint Localization and Channel Estimation in Flow-assisted Molecular Communication Systems" at Elsevier Nano Communication Networks (Impact factor: 2.783 & h5 index 24)
[Dec. 2022] Invited Talk in "High-End Workshop on: Deep Learning Based Biomedical Systems", under KARYASHALA Scheme of SERB, IIT Patna
[Dec. 2022] Congrats Akarsh Yadav (Final Year B.Tech. Student) and Ajit Kumar on the acceptance of the paper titled "Channel Modeling for Diffusive Molecular Communication Systems in The Presence of Multiple Silent Absorbing Targets", 15th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), IEEE, Bengaluru, India, pp. xx-xx, Jan 2023 (h5 index: 21)
[Dec 2022] The following papers accepted at NCC 2023 to be held at IIT Guwahati:
Ajit Kumar and Sudhir Kumar, Localization of Nanomachine with Correlated Observations in Biological Nanonetworks,
Sagar Deep Deb, Rajib Kumar Jha and Sudhir Kumar, ConvPlant-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network Based Architecture for Leaf Disease Detection in Smart Agriculture
[Nov 2022] The patent titled "System for Geospatial Navigation for Smart Parking and Dustbin Management free of GPS" has been filed
[Nov 2022] Dual Paper Presentation on "SNR Estimation with Rectangular Input Concentration in Molecular Communication Networks" and "Latency-Aware Task Partitioning and Resource Allocation in Fog Networks" in INDICON 2022 held at Kochi, Kerala
[Nov 2022] Congrats Dr. Pritam Khan on the acceptance of paper titled "CapsLSTM-based Human Activity Recognition for Smart Healthcare with Scarce Labeled Data", IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, (IF: 4.747, h5 index: 44)
in collaboration with Dr. Yogesh Kumar (AIIMS Patna)
[Oct 2022] Joined as an Associate Professor in Department of Electrical Engg, IIT Patna
[@Arsenal stadium, London, PC: Prof. R. Hegde]