Data analysis and statistics 2020 Fall

Date: Friday 14-17, biweekly on even weeks.

First class is on 2nd October (the original first class overlaps with the Ethics class).

Venue: Online (first class (and the next one) will be on Google Meet)


The course reviews some common analysis methods applied in cognitive research: general analysis methods, some mathematical and statistical methods. The class reviews some commonly used software types. Mostly the aspects that are relevant in cognitive research are discussed. Several debated and misunderstood aspects will be discussed, too.

    • Which type of software to choose (slides)

  • Descriptives

    • Describing a single variable (slides)

      • Describing the relation of two variables (slides)

        • Fitting functions

  • Statistical analysis with computer programming (optional topic)

    • Statistics in Matlab

      • Statistics in R

      • Statistics in LibreOffice Calc with macros (and with formulas)


The next two requirements should be fulfilled. (Second, optional topics should be approved, the deadline is 16 October)

    • Exam with practical tasks. At the end of the term time.

    • Choose one of the topics below. Deadline is the date of the last lecture.

      • Create a new or extend an existing Wikipedia article in English or in Hungarian in statistics or data analysis topics (e.g., statisztika téma) (for Hungarian speakers, this might help: leírás). You can translate the article from another language, if the source language includes high quality material. Minimum length is 6000 characters (with spaces) for new material or for extensions, and 8000 characters for translations.

      • (Only in Hungarian) Új szócikk készítése vagy kiegészítése a Statisztika a pszichológiai kutatásban weboldalra. Legkevesebb 5000 karakter szóközzel.

    • CogStat

    • Analyze your previous results with some non-traditional way.

      • Contact me about the chosen topic and methods.

      • Implementing extra statistical or data analysis functions for LibreOffice. (This could be implemented either as a Basic script or a spreadsheet template.)

    • If you have any further ideas that is related to the topics of the course and which could be useful for you and/or for others, contact me about the idea.

    • Late addition Micro oral report about the chosen task. In the last lecture.

      • In maximum 5 minutes, summarize the most unexpected details of the work you've done.

Recommended materials

Software packages we may use:

In Hungarian:

Krajcsi, A. (2008). Kísérletvezérlés és adatelemzés a kognitív tudományban. Szeged: Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó.

Janacsek, K., & Krajcsi, A. (2009). Statisztika a pszichológiai kutatásban.

In English:

Danielle J. Navarro / David R. Foxcroft / Thomas J. Faulkenberry: Learning statistics with R / jamovi / JASP

Russell Poldrack: Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century

Andy Field, (Jeremy Miles, Zoe Field): Discovering Statistics Using SPSS / R / SAS. Sage.