Computer programming

2017 Spring

Dates: biweekly, on odd weeks, Friday, 13:30-16:30

Room: Izu 402


(Some of the links or slides are in Hungarian. Translation is in progress.)

The course doesn't require any former knowledge of computer programming.


    • Three simple Python scripts

      • See the details later

    • Choose one of the option seen below

      • Write your own experiment, preferably in PsychoPy or in OpenSesame. (Let me know if you'd use another system.)

      • Analyze your own research data with Python. (Let me know if you'd use another language.)

      • Run your own simulation in Python. (Let me know if you'd use another language.)

    • Depending on how we handle the exercises at the seminar, there could be one or two script tasks.


    • Python scripts: 2 weeks after the Python class.

    • Experiment, analysis or simulation: 2 weeks after the last class.

Recommended reading

Documentations and tutorials of the used language and software.