Cognitive psychology 1

Cognitive Psychology 1

Wednesday, 14:00-17:30 (30 mins break included) Izu P3 (basement)

Leading Lecturer: Attila Krajcsi

Aim of the course

The main objective of the course is to give an overview on the theoretical frames of cognitive psychology, with its basic concepts. As cognitive processes serve as basics for all human behavior, also its problems influence wellbeing and social relations, especially important to deliver a comprehensive overview for students. The course overviews the applied consequences of the models, such as the localization of the cognitive functions and tests that measure specific abilities.

Learning outcome, competences


    • Basic concepts of cognitive psychology

    • Theories of perception, memory and thinking, including current research trends and their outputs

    • Relations of cognitive mechanisms and their malfunctioning


    • Ability to understand and ask questions in relation to the functioning of mind,

    • Utilisation of knowledge in scientific communication, presentation


    • Skills af applying main methods

    • Skills of identifying and segmenting basic psychological mechanisms

Content of the course

The slides are available from here, or see the links below.

Learning activities, learning methods:

Lectures and interactive discussions

Evaluation of outcomes


Reliable basic knowledge in the domain of cognitive psychology

Mode of evaluation:

Written essay-type exam

Criteria of evaluation:

Knowledge on basic concepts and the skill of utilizing the theoretical models and basic methods of cognitive psychology adequately

Reading list

Compulsory reading list

    • Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., Loftus, G. R., & Lutz, C. (2014). Introduction to Psychology (16th Revised ed. edition). Chapters 1-9 and 12

    • The content of lectures

Recommended reading list

    • Baddeley, A., Eysenck, M. W., & Anderson, M. C. (2014). Memory (2nd edn). Abingdon: Psychology Press.

    • Eysenck, M., Keane, M.T. (2015): Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook, 7th Edition. Psychology Press, London