Cognitive Psychology

Izabella building, Room 206

Thursday, 16.00-17.30

See the slides at the bottom of the page, or see additional slides on a previous CogPsy course page.

Course Outline

(Order of lectures may change)

    • History of cognitive science

    • Methods in cognitive science

    • Perception

    • Attention

    • Short and long term memory

    • Semantic memory

    • Psycholinguistics

    • Problem solving

    • Reasoning and decision making

Invited speakers and dates:

    • Adám Takács: Cognitive control and self-regulation. September 27.

    • Anett Ragó: Categorization and semantic memory. October 11.

    • Birigtta Tóth: Memory. November 28 and December 6.


Michael W. Eysenck and Mark T. Keane (2005): Cognitive Psychology: a student's handbook (Fifth edition). Psychology Press. Alternatively you could use the 6th edition. Download Attention chapter of the sixth edition.



There will be two essay exams at the halfway and at the end of the semester (Oct 18 and Dec 13) worth 33% and 66% of the grade, respectively. First exam will cover the following chapters of the textbook: Chapter 1, Part I (Perception and attention) and first two chapters (5th Edition) or first chapter (6th edition) of Part IV (Thinking and reasoning). Second exam will cover the whole book.

For those who failed on any of these two exams there will be several occasions to retake the exams in December and January.

Alternative requirements

For those who (1) are already familiar with the textbook or have learnt Cognitive Psychology at least in the same length and details, (2) and had at least good grades in Cognitive Psychology, and (3) would wish to try something new, they can alternatively write or extend a Wikipedia article or a Wikibook chapter in English in at least 10,000 (Wikipedia) or 15,000 (Wikibook) characters length (spaces included). The topic could be anything in cognitive psychology. Though it sounds like writing "some essay" could be easier than the regular exam, actually, writing Wikipedia article or Wikibook chapter is harder than writing the exam. See some help about Wiki writing on this page. Deadlines: choose topic - Oct 26; full text for first revision - Nov 23; upload the final version - Dec 14. Ask for more details about this alternative requirement.