SG INET-017 8 Oct. 1991 Title: Minutes of the 2nd SG INET Meeting Source: Hyun Je Park Status: Draft ================================================================================ I. Overview 1. Date and Place Date: 1991. 9.27 14:00-16:30 Place: SERI Meeting room 2. Attendants Hyun Je Park(Solvit Media), Chungseok Seo(Chungnam Univ.), OkWhan Byun(SERI), Kughang Cho(SERI), Sungjin Ahn(SERI), Byungwook Han(SNU), Eunkyung Kim(SNU), Yangwook Kim(KAIST), Heesu Byun(KAIST), Taeha Park(KAIST), Byungnam Chung (ETRI), II. Discussions 1. Presence of Attendants - Refer to I.2 2. Agenda Selection - Refer to INET-91-010 3. Current network status briefing from each representatives KREN: refer to 011 KREONet: refer to 013 HANA/SDN: refer to 014 4. Proposal on routing We cannot utilize the second leased line of KREONet until the routing policy be decided. The currect position on routing between Korea and Internet will not be changed until the routing policy is accepted by both SG-INET and INETRNET. The discussion on routing policy are delayed to the next meeting, since any proposal was not submitted to this meeting. Mr. Cho will make a proposal at the next meeting. 5. KAIST's connection move plan Nothing was determined yet. It is suggested that the connection moves to AMES with proteon asap. It is said that KAIST should move more quickly to save the money and utilize the second leased line of KREONet. 6. IP address plan It is being processed by Miss Seok, postech. The current list of legal IP address was summarized at 012. The list should be updated after contacting with Miss Seok. 7. Second domain name address: ac vs ed Issues - It is hard to ask to change "ac" domain names for universities who are using "ac" domains for more than an year. - Users as well as managers except politics decision makers are not trying to change the domain name now. - It is expected that some universities stick to use "ac" domain. It means "ac" and "ed" domain will remain together according to the network connected. In other words, ac is used for KREONet and HANA/SDN, and ed for KREONet. - "ed" domain name services won't be provided until KREN is connected to other networks. It means the population of "ac" will be grow for the time being. - It is undesirable to use both domains for universities in the point of user's view. - It is much easier to change "ed" rather than to force the current users to change their domain name, since ed is not so popular yet. Decision - Currently, the decision on "ac" and "re" are given. We have to try to support the service for the domains until the decision is changed. - We recommend that KREN has a connection to KREN or KREONnet as soon as possible to provide "ed" domain services. - We recommend to use "ac" for universities. It is requested for the chair to submit the proposal to ANC again. - "ac" domain will be used for the universities which have a plan to connect to KREN or HANA/SDN until KREN is connected to the other networks. 8. Third domain name Issue There are not consitensy on the third level domain name. Desicion Our recommendation on the third level domain name is follows: (1) using the full name of the organization ex) Chungnam, Korea (2) using initial of the organization ex) SNU 9. Current meeting schedule for each networks KREONet Engineer meeting, every month KREN Committee of Chair, every third week Engineer meeting, every third week ( Two meetings are not held at the same month.) HANA/SDN Engineer meeting, third Thursday in every even month Manager meeting, irregular Board of director, irregular 10. Connection plan between KREN and KREONet Some organizations have connections both to KREN and KREONet. They are Chungnam, Chungpuk, Pusan, and KyungPuk Universities. We are trying to use them as a gateway between domestic networks without announcement for the time being. To do that, they have to receive separate C class IP addresses. First of all, Chungnam Univ. will do that asap. 11. Next meeting 1991. 11. 21 (Thursday) 14:00 SNU (The meeting room will be announced later.)