SG INET-003 hjpark-91-275 23 Aug. 1991 Hyun Je Park Subject: '91 Paccom Workshop Trip Report Distribution : ANC, SG-INET, HANA/SDN Status: ================================================================================ I. OVERVIEW 1. Date/Place Date: 1991. 8.4 - 8. 7 Place: Hayatt Regency Kauai, Hawaii 2. Attendant (total: around 40) Australia: 5 (?) Fiji: 1 Hong Kong: 1 Japan: 7(?) (Japan Network Managers except NACCIS) Korea: 11 (KAIST 2, GSC 1, Postech 3, KT 2, SOLVIT MEDIA 1, ETRI 2) New Zealand: 5? (Including Government representative) U.S.A.: 10 ? (including NASA-AMES, NSF) Others IEPG chair CCIRN delegates UNESCO Project manager from NZ(?) II. Minutes (Partly) 1. Korea Routing Issue Routing problems were discussed at the special session by NSF and NSI(NASA Internet), and HANA/SDN network managers. The goal of this session was to solve the routing issues raised by the second leased line to US in the engineering standpoint. We requested to use the other leased line as a backup. Their fist suggestion was for us to guarantee that the internal traffics between Korean networks did not go through US. The second suggestion was to mimize the loop in Korea, since the loop may disrupt the routings in Internet. They asked the clear map and routing protocol which we will set up within a few months. The conclusion of the discussions are as follows: (1) The connections of Korea Backbone was suggested by ETRI, POSTECH, KAIST. It will be setup by Nov. NSI Backbone/Ames ------------- NSF Backbone | | | NSF SerfNet/SDSC | | | | | | | 56K/Cisco | 56K/Cisco | | | | KAIST (Daeduk) ------------- SERI (Daeduk) | 56K/Cisco | | | | | +--------- ETRI ------------+ 56K/Cisco 56K/Cisco - HANA/SDN will be directly connected to NSI backbone through Ames in California using Cisco router as soon as HANA/SDN is ready. - All connections between HANA/SDN and Kreonet except connections shown in the above diagram will be disconnected. - The connections between KAIST, SERI and ETRI will be connected via Cisco router. Only one router should be used at each org. for those connections to avoid confusion. - It was suggested that the third leased line from KREN connected to Ames backbone through Berkeley. A delegator from Berkeley agreed to help KREN for the connections. (2) Action Items - leave the current routing until reconfiguration - NSI/NSF tell the story to SDSC. HANA/SDN tell the story to Kreonet. - Another meeting can be held if needed. - IEPG will review this configuration. - KREN is recommended to connect AMES through Berkeley. 2. IP Address Management - NIC can give 20 unallocated addresses in principle. - NIC requested that a representative contacts NIC for address allocation in Korea. 3. Network Management Issue of PACCOM Internet requested that some information on the networks for management. Contact name, phone, e-mail Hierarchy (org.) Configuration maps, network numbers, line databases, filters Notification status report, announcement of known or planned procedure 4. How to connect internet item time --------------------------------------- get net address 2 weeks | v connected status 3-4 days | v router configuration 1-2 days | v Routing request to MERIT(NSF) 1-2 days for US | double for other countries v MERIT configuration | v DONE 5. Berkeley Project Berkeley has a plan to set up networks among Asia and pacific countries for research and information sharing on language, medical center, agriculture, library, et, etc. They are going to have a workshop with President of Pacific rim public university at April, 1992 at Seoul N. University. They have a plan to set up T1 connection between UCB and SNU, and demonstrate it at the workshop. 6. Relation with APEPG There was a suggestion that PACCOM be a representative for AP CCIRN as a APEPG, but it was refused, since PACCOM was working on the network operation rather than network planning. The characteristics of PACCOM is defined as engineering meeting on Pacific area to make and solve an engineering issue. III. DISCUSSION Most issues discussed at this meeting was engineering issues even though some planning issues were raised. USA, Australia, and NZ (partly Japan) have regarded PACCOM as a representative meetings of engineers from each countries. It was recommended that technical managers from KREN and KREONET as well as HANA/SDN attended the meeting to discuss the network operation and management issues.