
ANC-91-026 1991.11.18 Park, Hyun Je Subject: Minutes of the 4th ANC Meeting Time: 1991.10.25 (Fri) 10:00 - 12:00 Place: SERI Attendees: Oh, Ikkyoon (TG3) Chon, Kilnam (KAIST) Kim, Yangwook (KAIST) Byun, Okwhan (SERI) Cho, Kookhaeng (SERI) Ahn, Sungjin <SERI> Kim, Eungyung (SNU) Park, Hyun Je (SG INET) 1. Review minutes of the 3rd meeting (018) 2. Backbone connection plan between domestic networks (021,023,026) (1) KAIST-Ames connection is being delayed. KAIST will provide detailed plan at the next meeting. (2) SNU-KT connection is under consideration. 3. Domain naming scheme vs. X.400 naming(022,024,025) (1) Secondary domain name "AC" will be used for universities, and "ED" will not be used. (2) Relationship with X.500 - Proposal (024) is not appropriate. - More long term scheme should be set up. - Need to consider whether the second level domain is necessary. (3) Task force for naming scheme will be started - Members Coordinator: Park, Hyun Je KREN: Chung, Byungho KREON: Cho, Kookhaeng SDN: Park, Taeha - Active discussions via email are expected. - First draft proposal will be submitted at the next ANC meeting. (4) Operation of AC domain - AC domain will be operated by SNU when SNU is ready. (5) Following scheme for network naming may be considered. HANA/AC HANA/RE HANA/CO CANA (for North Korea) 4. Report of SG-INET (022) (1) Regular reporting of SG-INET will be given at the ANC meeting. (2) Naming registration - Official coordination is done by OSIA - The operation is delegated to Ms. Suk, Dongsook (POSTECH) 5. Report of other organization (1) Relation with OSIA will be considered in advance. o (2) Participation of NCA (National Computerization Agency) to ANC is under consideration now. 6. Division of tasks (1) Items to be considered - Government support/connection - PC communication - Connection and routing - Construction of domestic backbone network - Coordination by KT, SERI, SNU - Daeduk research network - Seoul MAN - High speed network (low layer, application) - Localization - Service (NIC, NMC, etc.) - Characterization (2) Schedule - At the December meeting, each network will submit a proposal showing its role. - At the Feburary meeting, the overall scheme will be defined. (3) Need preparation for the commercialization of network services. 7. Charging scheme (1) Member organizations are responsible for the network operation costs. (2) All networks should have equivalent charging scheme. (3) The charge should not be lowered. 8. Transfer of KAIST network operation NMC should be enlarged to ensure the man power necessary, so KAIST should keep its operation. 9. Basic rule for ANC meeting time and place (1) Default meeting time is 15:00 on 3rd Thursday of every even months. ex) 2/13, 4/16, 6/18, 8/20, 10/15, 12/17 (2) Next meeting will be held on 12/19 in KAIST, Seoul. (3) The meeting will be held either in Seoul or Daeduk, and the choice depends on the number of attendees from each area.