


Subject: Agenda of PACCOM'91

Herewith a preliminary agenda. Yes, it's still subject to change :-)

Seriously, I've already received a few requests that may cause changes. But

the overview is there. Note that no names have been assigned to the country

talks; I expect that the national groups will decide how to allocate the


Comments are welcomed.

Thanks, Torben


Sunday 1000-1200 Sunday brunch.

1400-1500 Registration.

1500-1600 Introductions.

1600-1700 PACCOM developments since last meeting.

(Torben Nielsen)

1700 Adjourn.

Monday 0900-0930 Breakfast (this year we will have a working

breakfast; i.e., we will eat in the meeting


0930-1030 US network status.

1030-1045 Coffee break.

1045-1200 US network status.

1200-1400 No-host lunch.

1400-1515 Network status: Australia

1500-1515 Snack break.

1530-1700 Network status: New Zealand

1700-1900 No-host dinner.

1900-2200 Network status: Korea

Note that this is a very long slot. The reason

is that there are a number of issues pertaining

to Korea that need discussion. These include

multiple links (and assoicated routing problems)

and network number registration. We'll do a

regular status report first and then move on to

a discussion of the other issues. In between,

we'll have a coffee break.

Tuesday 0900-0930 Breakfast.

0930-1030 Network status: Japan.

1030-1045 Coffee break.

1045-1200 Network status: Hong Kong.

1200-1400 No-host lunch.

1400-1515 Cisco technical presentation.

1515-1530 Snack break.

1530-1645 Wellfleet technical presentation.

1645-1830 Pre-luau recovery.

1830-2130 Luau!

Wednesday 0900-0930 Breakfast.

0930-1200 A proposal for a Pacific-wide network.

1200-1400 No-host lunch.

1400-1700 Panel discussion on issues relevant to a

Pacific-wide network.

1700 Adjourn.
