
Koppel Farm is fostering a place for the community to grow together around concern and appreciation for our shared natural and cultural heritage. The farm provides a location for the following types of educational and gardening activities:

Pullman Community Garden at Koppel Farm is located at the corner of SE Derby Street and SE Professional Mall Boulevard in Pullman, WA. 

Thank you to our community partners!

Pullman Community Garden at Koppel Farm exists and thrives because of the generous support we receive from local businesses and individuals. In 2020, we were incredibly grateful to receive a grant from METER for water conservation, a grant from United Way, and a grant from the Rotary Club of Pullman for a new rototiller. In 2021 and 2022, we received grants from Innovia and Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation for an ADA Wheelchair Accessible Plot.  Students of the WSU Landscape Architecture Course with Michael Sanchez designed and built the plot, which was dedicated in September 2022

How you can help

Donations are always welcome. Please email koppelgardens@gmail.com for more information. 

Wish list:

You can also make a donation on our donation page https://sites.google.com/site/koppelfarm/donations