
(Looking for my ULI Changing World Speaker Series talk? Click here.)

I am currently an economist in the research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Previously, I was an assistant professor of economics at Georgia State University (Atlanta, GA). I received my Phd in economics from Duke University (Durham, NC), and I earned an undergraduate degree in economics and political science at Taylor University (Upland, IN).

My research interests are in urban/regional and labor economics and real estate. I am especially interested in labor mobility, housing markets and land use policy, and the dynamics of local labor markets. See the research tab to browse my available work.

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NOTE: This page is intended solely to facilitate dissemination and discussion of my publicly available research. Any views expressed are my own. Nothing on this site should be construed as the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Board of Governors, or any part of the Federal Reserve System.