12-1-2021 Minutes

Date: 12-1-2021

Day / Time: Wednesday, 6:00pm

Purpose: PTA Meeting

Location: Zoom

  1. Introductions

    1. Attendance - Kelsey, Cindy S., Cindy T., Jessica, Abi, Fran

    2. Minutes taken by Abi in lieu of Alicia’s absence

  1. Principal Update -

Testing going on now at Klatt for students. Last day before break is Thursday 12/16/21.

Klatt Cares - chosen a kid who needs a buddy and checking in routinely - this will continue through the year

  1. Organizational Business

    1. Approve Minutes - Alicia - we will send out meeting minutes to vote via email

    2. Financial Report - Jessica - reviewed - no questions or concerns voiced in meeting

  1. Event Calendar - 1st/2nd Quarter

    1. Turkey Bingo Review

Overall great event - always a little difficult to run virtually due to those who are unable to attend the online events feeling left out when discussions are going on within the school. Looking forward to hosting these in person. From the participation side it was fun and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

  1. Movie Night - Dec 10

Discussion about what to have for concession. Decision that food can be eaten in the gym if each family is 3 feet apart from each other family. The PTA Board will work on concession items. Volunteer email to be sent out soliciting for volunteers. Popcorn and Entry is free, other items and spirit gear will be for sale.

  1. Holiday Gift Update:

Action Items:

  1. Need Alicia to update the spreadsheet with what she has handed out

  2. Review items we have for gift bags - won’t know fully until 12/13

  3. Abi will send out an email on assembly party on 12/13

  4. Switch back to color version for the tracking spreadsheet

  5. Cabela’s - Cindy S. is pursuing corporate sponsorship - Abi reached out at the local level to assist with holiday gift ask

  1. Popcorn Fridays (ongoing)

Ongoing fundraiser - need to review and fill in volunteer slots moving into the new year. Also need volunteers for the last day of school popping (Thursday 12/13)

  1. Old Business -

    1. Adult Spirit Gear - Jessica will follow up with Mary about sizing

    2. Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser - Alicia - will send an email out with an update

    3. FashionPact - looking for IRS determination letter

  1. New Business

    1. 3/4th Quarter Events

City wide clean up day, 6th grade graduation, kindergarten graduation, end of year BBQ, Field day, STEM night, candy grams for valentines day,

  1. Yearbook

We will get a yearbook committee together in the beginning of next year to start plannin efforts.

  1. Parent Survey

A parent survey will be coming out to try and address any barriers our families may have in joining the PTA. Also a discussion at the next PTA Meeting which will be held in person.

  1. Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

    1. Popcorn Fridays

    2. Movie Night - December 10

  1. Next Meeting: January 5, 2022 at 6 pm - Open House at Klatt

Approved 02-02-2022

Edited by Alicia Busick, Secretary, Klatt PTA