Microbial Communities and Habitats in Aquatic Environments Laboratory (MiCHAEL)

Department of Ichthyology & Aquatic Environment  University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece


New book in Greek

The translation in Greek is underway...!

Crete University Press

New book in Greek             Prescott's Microbiology now in Greek!

New book in Greek

The Greek translation of the "Why gut microbes matter" book, by the Crete University Press, is out!

Most recent papers

Maire Y, Schmitt F, Kormas K, Vasileiadis S, Caruana A, Skouroliakou D-I, Bampouris V, Courcot L, Hervé F, Courvoisier M, Christaki U (2024) Effects of turbulence on diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and associated bacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 100,fiae094

Varela JL, Nikouli E, Medina A,  Papaspyrou S, Kormas K (2024) The gills and skin microbiota of five pelagic fish species from the Atlantic Ocean. Int. Micrbiol. IN PRESS

Smeti E, Tsirtsis G, Meziti A, Kormas KA, Danielidis DB, Roelke DL, Spatharis S (2024) Resilience of coastal marine metacommunities to increasing hydraulic connectivity. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 738:89-101

Meziti A, Nikouli E, Papaharisis L, Kormas KA, Mente E (2024) The response of gut and fecal bacterial communities of the European sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax) fed a low fish-plant meal and yeast protein supplementation diet. Sustain. Microbiol. 1,qvae005

Dosi A, Meziti A, Tounta E, Koemtzopoulos K, Komnenou A, Dendrinos P, Kormas K (2024) Fecal and skin microbiota of two rescued Mediterranean monk seal pups during rehabilitation. Microbiol. Spectrum 12,e02805-23

Most recent preprints

Charalampous G, Kormas K, Antoniou E, Kalogerakis N, Gontikaki E (2024) Distinct communities of Bacteria and unicellular eukaryotes in the different water masses of Cretan Passage water column (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). BioRxiv

S Katsoulis-Dimitriou, E Nikouli, EZ Gkalogianni, I Karapanagiotidis, Kormas KA (2024) The effect of dietary fish oil replacement by microalgae on the gilthead sea bream midgut bacterial microbiota. BioRxiv

Most recent undergoing research project

Circular economy in agricultural production: the cycle of nutrition between plants, fish and insects as a new system of food production with a low environmental footprint. (2023-2025).

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Research interests

The research interests of MiCHAEL are … small. We focus on aquatic ecology by investigating patterns and processes that underpin the distribution, abundance and diversity of microorganisms in diverse aquatic habitats. Some of our quests deal with the following: 

Taught courses at DIAE

* Microbiology (3rd semester)

* Microbial ecology of aquatic ecosystems (7th semester)

* Applications of aquatic microorganisms (7th semester; elective course)

* Microbial source tracking (10th semester; elective course)

Last update: May 2024