
This is an experimental website, set up using Google Sites ... a free service provided by Google; all that's required is that you set up a Google account. It's automatically given a URL that ends with the user ID you've chosen. It's a unique name, but not one anybody will remember. You CAN register a domain name and "redirect" or "forward" it to this site ... for example I could register "www.kensite.com" (if it's available) and set it up to bring folks to this location.

You can insert pictures or other objects ... here's a closeup of a familiar object. Perhaps you can guess what it is. You can choose "themes" for the overall look of your website, alter the proportions or locations of elements within your chosen theme, and a wh ole

lot of other cool things.You can add pages, and add links ... in this layout, they're in the right sidebar. To add a page, you must be in VIEW, not EDIT mode, and click "Create Page" at upper right (if you don't see that option, you're in EDIT). Suggestion ... add YOUR OWN page to this site!The new page will be created as a sub-page to the page you're on when you click "Create Page." You'll give it a name, and when saved, it will be added to the navigation links and sitemap at left.You can't BREAK anything here ... you'll notice that when NOT in edit mode, there's a button at upper right called "More Actions." That will show you a complete revision history, and you'll see that you can restore to an earlier version. I don't recommend you do that here ... but on your OWN site, if you make changes you don't like, you can revert to the last saved version!