Kirlian Photography Art-Science

GDVCAMERA has been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, Alexander Laptev, Dr. Alexander Kuznetsov and Olga Belobaba in 1995 and brings the powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique to market in a more accessible way than ever before. The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software, which allows a user to quickly and easily conduct human energy scans. Accessory attachments are also available for purchase to conduct environment and object scans.

GDVCAMERAS – 1999-2012

GDV Technique is the computer registration and analysis of electro-photonic emissions of biological objects (specifically the human fingers) resulting from placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the device lens.

When a scan is conducted, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The object’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge, which is invisible to the human eye, is captured by the camera system and then translated and transmitted back in graphical representations to show energy, stress and vitality evaluations.

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ABOUT Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is a Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia. He is a leading scientist internationally renowned for his pioneering research on the human energy field. Professor Korotkov developed the Gas Discharge Visualization technique, based on the Kirlian effect.

Bio-Well – contemporary model of GDVCAMERA by Dr. Korotkov

Human Energy Field (HEF) – conception about Energy Fields around Human Body. Esoteric name of HEF – Aura.

Science Measures the HEF

7 layers of HEF

The HEF consists of different levels of vibrations or frequencies, and something called chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel of light. Chakras act like energy transformers, either stepping up the energy in frequency or stepping it down. Chakra System. Meridians and channels.

HEF Bioelectrography Research

Kirlian Photography is a process that uses pulsed high voltage frequencies & electron cascades to take pictures of usually invisible, radiating energy fields that surround us all. Photo techniques.

Kirlian Photography is a high voltage, contact print photography

GDV Analysis of Electrophotonic Glow of Liquids

Kirlian effect is a visible electro-photonic glow of an object in response to pulsed electrical field excitation. Semyon Kirlian and his wife Valentiina who first recorded and studied it in detail since 1930s.

Kirlian Photography process is simple. Sheet film is placed on top of a metal plate, called the discharge or film plate. The object to photograph is placed on top of the film. High voltage is applied to the plate momentarily to make an exposure. The corona discharge between the object and discharge plate passes through and is recorded onto the film. When the film is developed you have a Kirlian photograph of the object.

Kirlian and Kirlian Photography

Kirlian Photography process, being a contact print process, doesn’t require the use of a camera or lens. However when a transparent electrode is substituted for the discharge plate it is possible to use a standard camera (with a bulb setting) or video camera.

Kirlian and Kirlian Photography

Kirlian Photography is a simple process which can be even achieved without using a camera.

The principle of Kirlian Photography is straight forward: if an object is placed on a photographic plate which is then connected to a source of high-voltage current, an image will appear on the photographic plate. The resulting image appears because of the electrical coronal discharge taking place between the subject and the metal plate.

Kirlian and Kirlian Photography

Concentration dependence, Concentration dependence of gas, Concentration dependence of gas discharge around drops, Korotkin, Korotkov, Water, Water memory, Water Science Edit

Concentration dependence of gas discharge around drops of inorganic electrolyte Korotkov, Korotkin, JAPPF JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 89, NUMBER 9 1 MAY 2001 Concentration dependence of gas discharge around drops of inorganic electrolytes K. G. Korotkov Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics, Sablinskaya 14, St. Petersburg 190000, Russia D. A. Korotkin Department of Mathematics […]

Virtual Health Technologies

Translighters Digital – images, videos and other kind files with Translighters functions

Informational Copy Medicine – transfer medicine information to the water

Digital Structured Photography – healing photography

Dynamic Vision Board – meta-modeling construction

Digital Medicine – files with medical functions

AK TOM Technologies – transfer information technologies

Binaural Beats, Digital Drugs – classic, Mind machines

and other technologies on Download Files with Functions

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Kirlian photography now

Kirlian cameraGDV cameraLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt nisl felis. Praesent laoreet mollis justo id ornare. Curabitur congue, odio vel faucibus interdum, felis magna euismod ante, id dignissim lectus libero id nisl. Nunc justo arcu, eleifend in congue id, tempus et lorem. In ultricies tincidunt posuere. Duis ut commodo urna. Vestibulum tellus felis, faucibus eget blandit eu, egestas eu mi. Proin posuere adipiscing mollis. Nam sit amet neque erat. Nulla ac fringilla est. Suspendisse lacinia cursus imperdiet. Maecenas id ultricies eros. Mauris lacinia nibh et nunc porta laoreet facilisis ipsum consequat. Praesent id felis in ligula vestibulum hendrerit. Suspendisse tincidunt velit ut mi bibendum nec commodo sem consequat.

Sed lorem urna, iaculis egestas dignissim id, tempus non turpis. Ut blandit laoreet scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam egestas semper consectetur. Sed ultricies, sapien sed dapibus dictum, sem dui iaculis arcu, et volutpat ante libero et augue. Proin sit amet risus quis augue dapibus tristique non non ante. Sed sed mauris vitae odio condimentum pulvinar non in sapien. Vivamus vitae nisi lorem. Cras eu lacus purus. Nullam interdum ornare dui elementum luctus. Aliquam eget orci tortor, sed tincidunt nunc. Proin ut ligula ligula. Nulla lacus turpis, convallis ac tincidunt ut, dictum nec augue. Proin nec ligula sem. Nunc aliquet nisi quis sapien dictum nec convallis lectus interdum. Ut aliquam, ipsum ut tincidunt tempus, lacus quam viverra lectus, ut molestie elit augue quis elit. Proin feugiat tincidunt justo, vel varius felis dapibus eget.