About me
Trung Kien TRAN
( aka Trần Trung Kiên)
Bosch Center for
Artificial Intelligence
Link for former University Page
I am a research staff at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence. At the same time, I am doing my Ph.D. under the supervision of Juniorprof. Dr. Birte Glimm and Dr. Yevgeny Kazakov. Before joining the institute, I was a researcher at STARLab, VU Brussels.
I started my master at TU Dresden in 2009. One year later, I did an internship at Knowledge Based System Group, TU Vienna and completed my master with distinction there. The master thesis focuses on query answering for Horn-SHIQ ontologies and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Thomas Eiter, Dr. Mantas Simkus, and Dr. Magdalena Ortiz.Research interests
My research interests are Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Semantic Web, and Distributed Computing. I am particularly interested in Query Answering, Description Logics, Deductive Databases, and Web Ontology Language.
Query Rewriting for Horn-SHIQ plus Rules. AAAI 2012.
Using SOIQ(D) to Formalize Semantics within a Semantic Decision Table. RuleML 2012.
Towards Using OWL Integrity Constraints in Ontology Engineering. OTM 2012.
Query Answering in the Description Logic Horn-SHIQ. Master Thesis, TU Vienna.
Query Rewriting for Horn-SHIQ plus Rules. Technical Report, TU Vienna.
Converged and Optimized Combinations of Rules and Ontologies. Report No. D3.4 for ONTORULE project.