Our program endeavors to provide a warm, nurturing, creative, and stimulating environment for your child. We provide a quality enrichment program, which includes creative art, sports, drama, cooking, cultural awareness, gardening, and science. The teachers plan the activities according to age and skill levels. During our summer camp, we bring three enrichment staff to the program most weeks (ex. Legos, Science, & Dance).
Kid's Hideout
3309 Springhill Rd
Lafayette, CA. 94549
*Hideout Cell: 925-282-0903
Fax: 925-283-7898
info: info@kidshideout.net
Director: Gabby Kennedy - gab@kidshideout.net
Owner/Program Manager: Beth Brown beth@kidshideout.net
* Best way to reach us is texting or calling the Hideout cell phone.