Kexin Pei

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

The University of Chicago


Google Scholar, GitHub, Twitter

Prospective students: I am always looking for brilliant students. I am especially interested in working with self-motivated students who (1) have previously worked in Security or Software Engineering; (2) have experience with Program Analysis or Reverse Engineering; or (3) have a solid background in Machine Learning. Drop me an email if you are interested in working with me.

About Me

I am a Neubauer Family Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago. I received my PhD at Department of Computer Science, Columbia University. I am broadly interested in Security, Software Engineering, and Machine Learning, focusing on developing data-driven program analysis to improve the security and reliability of both traditional and AI-based software systems. I get most excited about developing machine learning models that can reason about program structure and behavior to precisely and efficiently analyze, detect, and fix software bugs and vulnerabilities.



Work Experience


Media Coverage
