The iPod Touch in Education

Music & Video

  • Tour of iTunes U - The iTunes U is a part of the iTunes Store featuring free lectures, language lessons, audiobooks, and more from top universities, museums and public media organizations from around the world.


The are over 100,000 applications currently available for the iPod Touch. Here are some that I've found most useful.

Stanza can be used to read ebooks, newspapers and blogs. There is a desktop download which allows you to wirelessly add material to you itouch like a PDF or ebook. A related application is Amazon's Kindle App. It allows you to buy ebooks directly for Amazon's Kindle store and sync them with your kindle or the desktop reader. It's worth noting that Amazon now owns Stanza, so I imagine many of the features will be combined into one

Google Mobile Application. This app includes link to gmail, calendar, docs, tasks, news and more. Many aspects of my digital workflow go through Google Apps. You will need a Google Account to use these services.

Memos provides a way to create and edit Google Docs offline, and then sync them later.

RSS Flash G provides offline access to your feeds from Google Reader.

Skype is a voice over the internet service that allows calls to be made from the iPod Touch and works very much like Skype on the desktop. You will need a special set of earphones with a microphone built in to use.

Recorder records audio allows you to sync the audio wirelessly. Record the audio, then type an address from the application into a browser on a computer that's on the same network and you can download the files immediately.You will need a microphone like the Thumbtack Mic.

Dropbox works with your desktop or laptop and creates a single web based folder that's accessible by all of them. It can be used it to quickly send screenshots from the iPod Touch to a computer.

Airmouse is a remote control app for a computer on the same wifi network. It has 4 screens for various functions, one for the web, iTunes, custom and a keyboard.

Dictionary! Please note the exclamation point in the title because there are a number of dictionary applications. This app is handy because it downloads locally on the iPod Touch and it's free.

Storykit is a fun story creation application. It allows students to create stories with text, audio and drawings right on the device. They'll need a mic to record audio, but when completed they can share the story online directly. We've had more success use the Brushes application as the image creator which easily imports into Storykit.

Data Collection (Google Form Templates)

If you are logged into your Google Account, these form templates will automatically copy into your Google Docs Dashboard.

  • Administrative Observation Walkthrough - This is an teacher observation form that the administrators can use. The iPod Touch provides an easy way for data entry, then they can complete the observation in the spreadsheet once complete.

  • Technology Survey - This is the survey we give to staff and students at the beginning of the school year.

  • Three Minute Administrative Walk-Through - This is an teacher observation form that the administrators use in my district. The iPod Touch provides an easy way for data entry, then they can complete the observation in the spreadsheet once complete.

  • Homework Check - This is a detailed form that teachers input student scores and the spreadsheet coordinates the results based on which assignments the teacher was using.

  • Discipline Entry Form - This forms allow teacher entry of disciplinary actions. Note: We use avatar names when entering information.

  • Response to Literature Scoring Form - This form collects literature response scores and coordinates the results.

  • Virtual Inbox - A form that collects the web address of students work and organizes it by school and grade.


  • - This A great resource for iTouch App reviews by educators. Plus you can volunteer to offer reviews yourself.

  • - An iPod Touch App store search engine.

  • Learning in Hand - Do so much with an iPod Touch.

  • Learning Continuity - If you use iPod Touches in your classroom and students have access to either an iPod Touch or an iPhone, here are some "Apps" that we have on the AUHSD iPod Touches that can help with continuity of learning.

    • iEducation Wiki - Presentation at 2009 NECC by Vickie Davis and Scott Meech

  • Best 100 Apps for Self learners - While the number of books and study guides available for your iPod Touch are too numerous to list, the following apps offer fun and educational opportunities for those who love to learn more.
