
Google Apps Implementation
Chromebooks in the Classroom

Additional resources

Looking at three main buckets:


A modern web browser that is easy to deploy and manage.


Computers that put all the apps and resources on the web into the hands of students and teachers.

Web Store

  • Apps for every educational need, from collaborative writing to video editing.

Google Apps for Education Impact(s)

  • Chrome was designed from the ground up to optimize the Google Apps for Education suite of products. Chrome supports many features that aren’t available from other browsers, including Offline Gmail, Docs and Calendar, as well as desktop notifications and editing features like drag-and-drop and cut-and-paste.

  • App Packs for Education

      • App Packs for 3 Grade Levels (App Packs are groups of Chrome web apps bundled by grade level)

        • Elementary School (K - 5)

        • Middle School (grades 6 - 8)

        • High School (grades 9 - 12)

      • Installation

Install Chromebook Inventory Add-on

Click here and install the chromebookInventory Add-on. Note that this link will not work until you have joined the group.

Chromebook Tracking

By exporting metadata such as Platform Version, Status, Last Sync, OS Version, Boot Mode filters can be put in place to identify devices that have not synced in the last couple months.

Run Add-on and Authorize

Click on Add-ons/ChromebookInventory/Export Devices and accept the permission request. These permissions are required to extract and update your Chrome devices.