Student Tech Teams

Student Tech Teams

Students Led Tech Support

Empower Students, Elevate Teachers: Building Student Tech Mentor Teams

NOTE: This workshop is especially aimed at ICT Integrators / Ed Tech Coaches, and school managers.

Imagine students confidently supporting teachers, tackling tech challenges, and delivering engaging workshops. This workshop unpacks transformative best practices for building student tech mentor teams that benefit everyone. Join us to discover:

Witness the magic as students:

This workshop isn't just about tools; it's about unlocking student potential and creating a ripple effect of learning. Leave equipped to implement this powerful model in your school, empowering students and elevating teachers as we create a future where technology fuels collaboration and success.

They go by many names, Student Helpers, iTeams, Gurus and Tech Sherpas. But they all mean the same thing, students teaching others about technology and learning in the process. We will never have enough technology support in education and one of the most looked over resources is our students!  Sometimes it takes examples of their capabilities to win over educators who are not interested and that’s where the community comes in. Here you will find exemplars and best practices of students around the world all learning from each other.